Author Topic: DMS Hosed  (Read 9729 times)

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Offline A6Phat

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DMS Hosed
« on: January 31, 2007, 05:31:47 pm »
I am a new member and made a real stupid mistake and accidentally wrote my PCs recovery routine to the DMS.  Now my DMS shows up as a USB drive with no unique identification of it being Phatbox.  It also is now partioned as a 5GB drive (k:), although it is a 20GB drive.  I cannot find any PHTSYS directory or files on it as I believe they have been overwritten.

I have read through most of the threads, and have sorted out that I need CD repair disk, although I can't seem to find download on this site.

If someone could direct me to a thread that best describes how I get myself out of this situation, I would be most appreciative.

Thank you for your help!

A6Phat (but not right now :'()
« Last Edit: January 31, 2007, 05:35:49 pm by A6Phat »

Offline judb

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Re: DMS Hosed
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2007, 06:55:29 pm »
have you already hacked your phatbox?  if not you'll have to send the drive to phatnoise for repair, or borrow a working original dms from someone, or buy one on ebay or something.  Once the keys are gone from the begining of the drive they are not recoverable.. if you repartitioned the drive, which is what it sounds like happened, then those keys are gone and the drive wont work in a box till it is repaired by phatnoise or you hack the box with a working DMS.

Phatnoise has a bootable repair CD available on their website someplace.  I don't have the link handy.