The chances are the drive is fried, so if you haven't already done so - prepare yourself for the worst (and that way if anything we come up with doesn't work, you won't be disappointed).
Now, although the drives may not appear under Windows you need to check whether or not the disk is actually recognised. Assuming you are running Windows XP the easiest way to check this is to:
1. Go to 'Start', 'Control Panel', 'Administrative Tools', 'Computer Management'
2. Select 'Disk Management' and a list of the attached disks will be displayed
If you see your 60GB drive listed, at least it has some functions the very first thing you should probably do is run a manufacturers diagnostic check on the disk. Most manufacturers have diagnostic tools for the disks, to perform basic and detailed surface scans of the disk to check for any non-usable disk problems. If you can run a successful diagnosis of the disk, and assuming no partitions are available, then the question becomes...have you ever run a DD backup (manually or through the use of the DMS tools)?
If so, then you need to recover the image the DD backup has created and then put that back onto the drive.
This may recover the partitions to a point where you can pull everything off.
If you don't have an appropriate DD backup, then perhaps someone else does have one for a 60GB drive for the first 1MB of the disk only. In which case perhaps they can make themselves known and you can go from there.....