Hey Guys. Brand new to having a Phatbox.. got mine in the mail this weekend and popped it in my Jetta. Read through this forum as best I could but didn't find the answer I was looking for <or read past it by mistake>. Basically so far, I upgraded to the latest firmware <7.02 I believe> and am using the latest version of Phatnoise Media Manager. Everything is working smoothly!
However, I've noticed when I hit #2, or any of the buttons such as playlist announce, artist announce, or album announce, the girl is soooo loud compared to the current audio the phatbox was playing before. The little audio sample that is played after the announce is also very loud, id say close to 2x the overall loudness of the original mp3 playing. Is this normal?
If I don't remember to turn down my stereo before I hit one of these announce options, my ears are in for a rude awakening. I wish I could make the regular mp3's stream at this level because I really have to crank up the VW head unit <volume well over half> to get the mp3s at a decent volume. My rips are all high quality, done with EAC and newest LAME standards recommended by Hydrogen Audio etc, etc.. so I can't blame the quality of the rips.
Any insight would be great guys and I look forward to being a member of the community.