Author Topic: Help with mismatched connectors: VW Phatbox cable doesn't match VW CD Changer  (Read 8337 times)

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Offline hertling

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I just bought a Phatbox from eBay that was just removed from a 2005 Jetta. It came with the cable that is supposed to be for Jetta, and it certainly matches the picture from the VW Phatbox installation manual, and it matches other pictures of the connector that I've found online. What doesn't seem to match is the CD changer connector in my 2003 Jetta GLI with Monsoon radio. (The Premium 6 radio, according to the Phatbox install manual.) I took a picture (attached), and you can see that the female Phatbox connector on the left clearly isn't the same style of adapter as the male CD changer cable on the right.

Help! Is there any way to recover from this? Do I need a different Phatbox cable? Is my CD Changer cable something other than what it should be?

many thanks,

Offline sbingner

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I think there's supposed tobe another adaptor from what you show to the phatbox end... perhaps the VW dealership has it?

Offline 16vpup

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The picture on the right is of the VW CD changer connector w/ a block off plug on it to prevent dust from getting into plug. Pull the connector from the mount on the metal bracket and you should see that the block off can be removed from the connector and your phatbox cable should plug right up to it. Make sure to have the magazine in the player when the cable is hooked up, I think that is what the instructions say. I have 2 VW systems currently working in 2 cars but I'm working on getting a Phat system working in my 2005 Nissan truck. The 2 cars I have systems in are a 2003 AE GTI and a 2003 1.8T Passat. Hope that helps you.