I'm not seeing those on my "original" keg drive...
How do I go looking for them?
You will likely first need to replace your current rc.sh and rc.sig files with a matched pair that does the level 10 verbose logging.
You can see what level of logging is being used by opening rc.sh in a text editor.
So with the DMS docked, look in the root of [PHTSYS] and make a backup of your current rc.* files.
Then replace them with a matched logging pair.
I have pairs for:
- level 1 (minimal logging - included in PhatMark),
- level 10 (verbose logging - accidentally shipped with Kenwood firmware v13 update) and
- level 0 (no logging - these are the default that you most likely already have installed).
Remove the DMS from the cradle, put it in the car and switch on as normal. Once the music starts playing you can switch off, take the DMS back to the PC and inspect the log files.
I can email these files to someone if they can host them somewhere for downloading. They're very small.
The normal (level 0 logging) rc.sh looks like this...
mount -t vfat /dev/hda5 /dos/Data
while true
but my level 10 rc.sh looks like this (also includes AAC logging)
mount -t vfat /dev/hda5 /dos/Data
export DEBUG_LEVEL=10
export DEBUG_LOG=1
export AAC_DEBUG=1
while true
(Note: You can't make your own rc.sh because you need the .sig signed file too)