The Hacking Hoedown > PhatBox Hacking

replacement drive


My salesman at Magnolia told me that he had upgraded his Phatbox (Keg) to a larger hard drive.  Can someone please describe precisely what happens when the hard drive is swapped?

you put the dms in, the lights keep flashing, that's it (as in nothing else happens, you can't play music)

cheese, these are the type of leads we need to follow up on. Your salesman might know something we don't. Would it be possible for you to ask him if he just purchased a larger DMS, or if he actually was able to upgrade the hard drive in his existing DMS somehow.
Maybe you aren't a hardware techy or don't know much about programming, but you could certainly contribute here by talking to that saleman.

Find out what kind of Phatbox the salesman has because the red phatboxes were upgradeable.

Unfortunately that Magnolia store closed.  (I bought their demo unit.)  I'll call a couple more locations and see if that salesman just switched stores.  Or he may have been fibbing.

I am an engineer, A543, but I'm mechanical so my programming skills are really freaking rusty.


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