Author Topic: Phatbox without Cradle  (Read 8840 times)

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Offline Klapp

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Phatbox without Cradle
« on: March 23, 2009, 01:51:24 pm »

I proudly own a phatbox since last weekend. Unfortunately I don't have a USB cradle, so I have to unscrew the DMS everytime I want to change something.
Patching and everything works ok and I'm quite happy, I use a ide2usb adapter for the disk.

As cradles seem to be quite expensive to buy at the moment (even more expensive when they have to be shipped to europe),
I thought about 2 solutions to make life easier:

1) Modify the cradle to use compact flash cards.
This should work but it seems that there a size limitations for compact flash > 4GB inside the Phatbox Firmware. Has anyone investigated this any further?

2) Build a connector cable from the DMS connector to the IDE adapter.
Unfortunately it seems to be hard find a right connector and even harder to get the pin layout for such an adapter.

Any ideas? Anybody else who had a similar scenario and worked something out?

It's not so bad right now, but maybe it could be much better...


Offline mitoth

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Re: Phatbox without Cradle
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2009, 12:34:54 am »
Hallo Sebastian, brauchst du eine USB Cradle?
Ich kann dir eine Anbieten wenn du möchtest, falls deine Suche noch Aktuell ist dann melde dich einfach bei mir.

IF you still need a USB Cradle contact me, i´m living in Germany and could sell one to you.

Bye,bye mitoth