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audi symphony11 bose system+ phatnoise

Started by trebor, February 17, 2010, 08:49:19 PM

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Hi guys, just got myself an audi a3 2.0 tdi fitted with a phatnoise mp3 player in the boot. I downloaded 19.9 gb of tracks put the cassette into the phatbox hoping that my system  would sync with it and all I get when I press the cd button is a message telling me that there is no external cd . does anyone have any ideas as I am totally stuck with an exspensive gadget that at the mo is not working. PS I have been to my local Audi dealership and they have never seen a phatnoise even though it had been fitted at Audi down in Bristol. I think this may be my last shot at trying to get it working. Kind Regards. Bobbo.


Ah, a new Brit! Welcome! ;)  Unfortunately the PhatBox never really took off here in the UK and there's a very discrete group of us that knows about it's existence, so you'll get nothing but complete confusion from the dealers and nothing in the way of help!

Anyway, as it there's lots of missing vital information in your post.

- Do you know if the PhatBox has ever been working?  (the use of the word 'Bose' in the title makes me suspicious)
- Your post title says the HU is 'Symphony 11' is that correct or is it supposed to be the 'Symphony II'? (the latter will reduce my fears of the above)
- How did you 'download 19.9 GB of music to the cassette'? (what software did you use?)

Assuming the answer to those two questions is as I would expect, then it's possible you have a firmware/DMS files problem in which case the first port of call would probably to be sure that the box has the correct firmware installed for the head unit.

I can follow up with appropriate instructions once you've answered these important questions ;)

Also, you used the phrase 'down in Bristol', sounds like you might be fairly local to me!  Where are you based?
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

Catch me weekdays 8am-4pm GMT on IRC @ on channel #phathack (aka the chat link!!)


Hi vortech, allthough the car and phatnoise was purchased in bristol at the audi main dealership buy the previous owner being the only owner besides myself. I am not sure if the phatnoise has worked or not ipresume it has as it was fitted with a lot of extras for the car the owner is a doctor and spent a lot of cash on the car from new. I live near Warwick in the midlands and got the car from a dealer in leamington spa. Looking at the cars service history all has been done in birmingham. So I presume the doctor has moved to this area. The bose system is only the speakers for the symphony 11 stereo. It is a symphony 11 stereo ( audi ). My friend downloded the 19.9gb of tracks for me of windows xp I am not to good with pc's but he used music manager and i believe  a driver for the cradle. I am not sure if firm wear has been used. I do hope this is of help and if you believe it is easy to rectify I could always come to you. My mobile No is07702331058. Kind Regards to you vortech. Bob.


Well, if it was bought at the dealership then you'd think we can get it working..... ;)

What we need to do is establish whether or not the box is booting correctly, and we'll go for the visual check for now.
Start the car, select the CD Changer on your head unit and this should power up the box.  On the box there are two lights, red and green.

The red light will be on, and it's the green light we are interested in.
What's it doing (and at what frequency)....?

For example:

It's flashing on and off very rapidly, no discernable frequency (firmware update)
It's flashing on and off fast, once every half second (box is not booting correctly)
It's flashing on and off slow, once every second (box is not booting correctly)
It's appears to be off, then blinks quickly, then goes off again (normal operation)

I'm in Gloucester so not as close as I thought ... but I don't think you'll need my intervention yet!  It might just take us a few goes to get up and running, but we might get it running on the first try!

One thing that we definately need to know from your friend, is exactly what, and everything they have done (almost to the smallest detail)

We need to be sure that they have not wiped the magic signature from the disc by using Windows (or anything else) to re-partition the disc... perhaps you can point them this way so they can explain in their own words! ;)
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

Catch me weekdays 8am-4pm GMT on IRC @ on channel #phathack (aka the chat link!!)


Hi Vortech, just left a message for my friend to let me know all he has done as requested. Re booting up correctly engine start the red light came on, selected cd changer red light stayed on and green light flashes every 3 seconds but does not go off totally. My friend has just got back to me and all he has done is downloaded music onto the cartridge by way off the music manager software, he has not put any firmware onto it. I hope this is of help. Also when i select the cd changer on the the head unit just for a moment cdci comes up on the cd screen and then reverts back to whichever cd is loaded. Regards. Bob.


Hi Vortech could you advise further. Regards. Bob.


Okay, just resolved some other Audi problems today - so, let's have a go at yours!

It sounds like the box isn't booting correctly, and I have confirmed issues with v2.13 of my DMS tools that means they are broken for now.
I think, there may be a problem with the system part of your cartridge.

Download version 2.12 of my DMS tools (use the 'alternative links' from this link:,1641.0.html) and install them.  Pop your DMS in the cradle, and start the tools (Start, All Programs, PhatHack, PhatHack DMS tools).

Once the tools are running, do the following:

Click on DMS Tools Mode
Select your DMS cartridge from the list (if it isn't selected automatically)
Select the latest Audi firmware
Ensure the option 'Install non-hacked firmware' is checked (ticked)
Ensure the option 'Reflash box' is unchecked

Click the button 'Repair DMS (PHTSYS)'.

This will re-format the cartridge's system partition, and put the firmware back on it.  Once this is complete (it'll take a few minutes) then eject the DMS correctly and then put it back into the box in the car.  Start the car and headunit and then select the CD changer and hopefully it'll all start up (it might take 20-30 seconds).

If it doesn't, then repeat the above instructions but ensure the option 'Install non-hacked firmware' is UNCHECKED.  Again, pop it in the car and see what happens.

If we're still no further, don't panic.  We will get it back up and running!

And for your information, I checked with the guys at AudiSRS and the head unit is a Symphony II - not a symphony 11 ;)
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

Catch me weekdays 8am-4pm GMT on IRC @ on channel #phathack (aka the chat link!!)


HI vortech sorry for the delay but having to scrounge pc's from friends as mine has met its maker.Have done all you told me to, the only difference was that the head set screen showedCDC1 for about 4 seconds and then went back to playing normal CD, pressed CD again and it came up with no external CD drive. So its back to u. I thought it had done the trick as before CDC1 only came up on screen for a fraction of a second. Regards, Bobbo.


Okay, then next step.  Let's confirm the state of the box and booting... and here's how we do that (possibly something for your friend to do)

1. Open up WINDOWS explorer and select the drive labelled 'PHTSYS'

Then in the right hand pane either:

2. Locate the file 'bootload.log', and open it if it exists

   i) Right-click on it and select 'Open With'
  ii) Select a program from the list, select 'Notepad'
iii) Save the file

3. Delete everything in the file, and save


2. Create an empty file called 'bootload.log'

   i) Right-click in an empty space, and select 'New Text document'
  ii) Change the filename 'New document.txt' to be 'bootload.log' and press <Enter>
iii) If you get a warning saying the file may be unusable, select 'Yes' (we are sure we want to rename the file!)
  iv) Open the file again, right-click on it and select 'Open With'
   v) Select a program from the list, select 'Notepad'
  vi) Save the file

3. Make a cuppa in place of not being able to do anything at this precise point


4. Take the DMS out to the car, and start it up
5. When it's apparent the box hasn't started up properly, bring the DMS back to the cradle
6. Open up the 'bootload.log' file and paste the contents here.

Hopefully we'll get the answer we expect here!
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

Catch me weekdays 8am-4pm GMT on IRC @ on channel #phathack (aka the chat link!!)


Hi Vortech, where can i find all the software downloads i need now that i have sorted the problem with your help. Regards, Bobbo.


Quote from: VorTechS on March 02, 2010, 07:51:58 AM
2. Create an empty file called 'bootload.log'

Doesn't the box need to have contents (exactly what doesn't matter) in the file? I thought the box couldn't do space allocation at this point in the boot, but could only overwrite existing file contents?


I might need to check that, my understanding was that it didn't matter, and I'm pretty sure I tested this, and ended up with a valid bootload.log ...
I'll make a point to check it out though.
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

Catch me weekdays 8am-4pm GMT on IRC @ on channel #phathack (aka the chat link!!)