Author Topic: DMS Hack Disk - Closed and discontinued  (Read 20035 times)

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Offline judb

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DMS Hack Disk - Closed and discontinued
« on: July 27, 2005, 12:31:55 am »
this thread is closed and the hack CD has been discontinued.. please use this thread instead

Wiki Link
Okay folks, Here is the scoop...

(Download updated as of  8:45 AM:CST August 18th... Version 1.5 now available)
(Thread LOCKED .. use another thread for issues)

RobM and I have slaved over this for almost 24 hours...  And now we bring you:

A bootable CD ISO image 1.8Mb  [mirror]

A bootable Floppy image 1.44Mb  [mirror] (Created with WinImage 7.0)

A full motion DIVX 5 video of the cd in action! (1 Mb) [mirror]

Some information before we get this started about potential error creating issues.

Code: [Select]
* Freespace:  You need a few megs of freespace (5 or less) on both phtsys and phtdta partitions or this will fail to work.
* Folder names.. Check the PHTDTA drive for a folder name "Profiles" .. it HAS to have the P in uppercase.  There should be a subfolder of "Profiles" called "Default"...
 If your folders do not have P or D but are p or d .. just rename them and change the first letter to uppercase.
Code: [Select]
* If you have anything other than Default we have a problem.  
Open up the PHTDTA\Profiles\profiles.ini file.  
find this entry:

change it to look like this:

Save the file.. then rename whatever SOMETHINGXXX folder was to Default.  Now you can start the process with the CD / Floppy.

Lastly we have some screenshots for those who like slower moving points of data for a How-To...


Okay, heres what you do to make use of our bootable disc/k images...

Get your Phatnoise / Kenwood provided KNOWN WORKING DMS.  Don't plug it into the cradle yet unless the music on it is not on your PC.  If that is the case I suggest copying your audio before starting this process.

Once you have the DMS on hand.. and have downloaded either the Floppy image or the CD iso and made your disk (if you need to know how to do this please post a new thread or search google.)
Reboot your computer with the DMS not in the cradle.  Boot off the new CD/Floppy.  

You should see a screen like this:

A lot of text will scroll by.. don't sweat the small stuff folks.  Give it a bit (for floppy users up to 10 minutes) to boot all the way up.
When you see this screen you are ready to move on:

Plug in your DMS to the cradle now.  not before now.. not after.. do it now.  once it is plugged in you should with in 2 minutes see similar green messages (not verbatim but similar) show up on the screen... Do not hit any keys on the PC until this happens.
Like this:

Okay, now you are ready to move on.. Hit the Alt key and the F2 key to change to the DMS Hack screen.
You should now see this:

Now we need to verify that you put in a good DMS and we'll backup the DMS before we start making changes to it for the hack to work.
Hit enter to start the process:

You'll see these messages scroll by:

More messages:

Now we are ready to move onto phase 2.  This phase will copy over the files needed to execute the hack / flash patch on the phatbox.  
Hit enter to start the next phase:


At this point you should remove your DMS from the cradle.  DO NOT type anything into the computer. If you are not ready to swap your drive out for a new one, just turn off the PC at this point.  If you are trying to swap the hard drive out for a larger one, DO NOT REBOOT YOUR COMPUTER YET!!!  You should see the screen shot below on your PC...

Put the DMS into your phatbox or keg.  You should hear a message say you have completed the patch process when its done. (I havent tested this, so dont count on it.)  Let the system play its startup sound and change to playlist 2 (disc two on your head unit.) at this point the patch is complete or should be.  Turn off your stereo and remove the DMS.


Take the DMS apart and preform your drive swap.

Place the new larger drive in the DMS, close it up, and plug the new improved DMS into the cradle.

You will need to wait for the same messages you saw on the second screenshot (the USB messages listed in shot 2).  These messages will appear again when you plug in the new drive.  Once they have shown up THEN you can move on to the next step

Type YES and hit enter:

Now we write out the data we backed up off the old DMS:

<<Warning:  This step is where whatever is on the hard disk in the DMS cart you plugged into the cradle gets TOTALLY ERASED.  If this is a drive you had from a laptop or something it will be ERASED FOR EVER.>>
Now we parition the new drive:

Once the partition and format steps are complete it is time to copy the files we saved from the phtsys (your plugins etc) on the old DMS to the new shiny large DMS...
Hit Enter to continue:

Ooooh, Copying, how fun!  Just give it time:

Alrighty, its Done!  now you can power off your computer, take the CD or Floppy out of the drive, boot into your favorite OS and copy your music back onto your new DMS.  Enjoy!

Code: [Select]
If you have issues with the copy process (before the DMS swap portion) You can hit Alt+F4 and get to a commad prompt window.  hit enter and type
This will start the process over again.  This is safe to do if its is BEFORE you type YES to start the new DMS.

if you started the new DMS and it failed for some reason the process for recovery is more complicated.  If you are highly technical you can contact us for more details on what scripts to run etc and where the data is stored to move on with things.. OR just start over with the OLD DMS and reboot the system to begin again.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2007, 02:08:03 pm by judb »

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Re: DMS Hack Disk - Image Heavy
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2005, 02:14:49 am »
If your new drive fails to work after you type YES.. you can't exactly restart the process without serious complications.. you'll have to shut down your computer (reboot it..) put the OLD dms back together and plug it in.  

Pretty much rerun the whole thing, but you can skip the part where you take the old DMS to the Keg/Phatbox and instead just unplug it and swap in the new drive.

If we have lots of people have issues here then I'll see about making some additional error handeling.

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Re: DMS Hack Disk - Image Heavy
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2005, 06:46:24 pm »
Version 1.1 of the CD is now being uploaded .. use the Mirror Link to download for the next hour after this post is made (1:45 PM CST)


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Re: DMS Hack Disk - Image Heavy
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2005, 01:50:28 pm »
If you get an error about NO NAME partition:

On other person ran into this issue, Lloyddobber...
I don't recall exactly what he did to fix it.. it was either repartition the Genuine DMS using the ALT+F3 screen selecting option 4, or it was boot back into windows and rename the PHTDTA partition in explorer and try again.

Start with the rename in explorer (name it something like TEST, eject the DMS, then put it back in and rename it back to  PHTDTA) and then try the bootcd again.  if that doesnt work hit ALT+F3 and select option 4.  make sure before you do this you backup your plugin folder as it gets erased as well as everything else on the DMS.  You'll have to go back into windows and reload your firmware to the DMS using the PMM (but be sure to delete the forceupdate and forcesettings files afterward from the PHTSYS parititon)

Then try the DMS copy again.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2005, 05:39:40 pm by judb »

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Re: DMS Hack Disk - Image Heavy
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2005, 02:10:48 pm »
Does this new version do everything that was outlined in the original steps?  IE: deleting the forceupdate and forcesettings files??

by this new version, i assume you mean this CD ROM / Floppy, right?

If thats what you mean, No it doesn't do that because those files are not put in place in the first place.  They are two totally separate methods of doing the patch and swap so the steps are not the same.  Follow the documented steps on this page for the use of the CD / Floppy .. or follow the steps in the wiki for using the manual method.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2005, 05:40:03 pm by judb »

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Re: DMS Hack Disk - Image Heavy
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2005, 03:26:32 pm »
Updated to version 1.3

Offline judb

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Re: DMS Hack Disk - Image Heavy
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2005, 02:43:05 am »
(Download updated as of  9:38 pM:CST August 16th... Version 1.4 now available)

Use the Mirror links for at least 1 hour.. till the sync happens...

This update has a newer kernel that SHOULD allow you to use USB 1.1 cradles with the CD.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2005, 02:47:39 am by judb »

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Re: DMS Hack Disk - Image Heavy
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2005, 02:51:01 am »
Also, I suggest that people might want to try using VMWare to boot the CD image.. you can pass your USB cradle into the virtual machine and it will allow you to run the hack without rebooting.  Just a thought.

I'm not going to build a how to for that one.. someone else can if they are so inclined.  I've been working on my car all afternoon and am dead tired.

Offline judb

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Re: DMS Hack Disk - Image Heavy
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2005, 01:49:29 pm »
Updated, V1.5 now available. USB keyboard support added.  Version number should read v1.5