Author Topic: Failed patch attempt  (Read 15807 times)

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Offline jesus marion joseph

  • A few posts under my belt.
  • *
  • Posts: 29
Failed patch attempt
« on: September 05, 2010, 07:00:17 pm »
Ran the latest Phat Hack wizard.  Got this error message:

"It would appear the patch failed on your PhatBox, please join the PhatHack Community forums [] and post the contents of the file PHTSYS/logfile.txt 

 Patch was not applied or failed to start, there is no patchverify.log"

Sequence of events:

Wizard indicated this was not the original DMS, clicked "Next" anyway.  After getting the "remove DMS" message I couldn't find any area to click in thew wizard to stop the DMS, so I tried to do it through "my computer" but th edrive did not show up.  Removed it, put it in the box, radio now indicates there is no Phatnoise drive.  Put cartridge back in cradle, restarted wizard, got the message above.

Here's my Patch Log:

Win32_Drive List

      Starting device evaluation:
      Determining device signature...
   Disk ID: 0
   Disk Name: WDC WD300BB-75DEA0
   PnP Device: IDE\DISKWDC_WD300BB-75DEA0______________________05.03E05\4457572D414D3144343437353032_039_0_0_0_0
   Disk Signature (not serial!): 41172BA5
   Drive Serial: WDC WD300BB-75DEA0 WD-WMAD14457209     

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      No logical disks available for device partitions.

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      Partition: Disk #0, Partition #1
      Drive: C:
      Serial #: 4C7904C9

      Device evaluation complete.
      Next device evaluation:
      Determining device signature...
   Disk ID: 1
   Disk Name: USB-HS FUJITSU MHT2040A USB Device
   Disk Signature (not serial!): AC48BF19
   Drive Serial: 2041CD02

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      Partition: Disk #1, Partition #0
      Drive: E:
      Serial #: 43C6EF9B

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      Partition: Disk #1, Partition #1
      Drive: H:
      Serial #: 43C6EF9C

      Device evaluation complete.

PhatHack Media Manager DMS Patcher

Date: 9/5/2010
Time: 14:53:46
LogDir: C:\Documents and Settings\John\My Documents\PhatHack Media Manager\Logs\
ToolsPath: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\

Starting up....

Loading Patch File List.

   File 1: %sys%\aadec
   File 2: %sys%\aadec.sig
   File 3: %sys%\patcher
   File 4: %sys%\patcher.sig
   File 5: %sys%\
   File 6: %sys%\rc.sig
   File 7: %sys%\bootload.log
   File 8: %sys%\backup\phatpatch
   File 9: %sys%\backup\phatpatchver.txt
   File 10: %sys%\backup\
   File 11: %sys%\backup\patchcomplete.mp3
   File 12: %sys%\aadec-orig
   File 13: %sys%\aadec-orig.sig
   File 14: %sys%\backup\
   File 15: %sys%\PhatHack.mp3
   File 16: %sys%\PhatHack.hack
   File 17: %data%\PhatHack.mp3
   File 18: %data%\HackIntro.mp3
   File 19: %data%\PhatHack.hack

Loaded 20 file(s).

Loading Wizard Configuration...

Stages configured: 10

   Loading Stage: 1

      Stage name: Wizard Welcome

   Stage 1 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 2

      Stage name: Verify Original DMS

   Stage 2 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 3

      Stage name: Original DMS Attached

   Stage 3 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 4

      Stage name: Backup DMS

   Stage 4 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 5

      Stage name: Applying Patch files

   Stage 5 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 6

      Stage name: DMS Patch Applied

   Stage 6 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 7

      Stage name: Verify Patch State

   Stage 7 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 8

      Stage name: Patched OK!

   Stage 8 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 9

      Stage name: Failed Verify DMS

   Stage 9 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 10

      Stage name: Patch Failed!

   Stage 10 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 11

      Stage name: Unknown Error Occured

   Stage 11 loaded.

Moving to Wizard stage: 1
Stage name: Wizard Welcome
User clicked on Next

Moving to Wizard stage: 2
Stage name: Verify Original DMS
Running auto-process for stage: 1...

Win32_Drive List

      Starting device evaluation:
      Determining device signature...
   Disk ID: 0
   Disk Name: WDC WD300BB-75DEA0
   PnP Device: IDE\DISKWDC_WD300BB-75DEA0______________________05.03E05\4457572D414D3144343437353032_039_0_0_0_0
   Disk Signature (not serial!): 41172BA5
   Drive Serial: WDC WD300BB-75DEA0 WD-WMAD14457209     

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      No logical disks available for device partitions.

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      Partition: Disk #0, Partition #1
      Drive: C:
      Serial #: 4C7904C9

      Device evaluation complete.
      Next device evaluation:
      Determining device signature...
   Disk ID: 1
   Disk Name: USB-HS FUJITSU MHT2040A USB Device
   Disk Signature (not serial!): AC48BF19
   Drive Serial: 2041CD02

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      Partition: Disk #1, Partition #0
      Drive: E:
      Serial #: 43C6EF9B

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      Partition: Disk #1, Partition #1
      Drive: H:
      Serial #: 43C6EF9C

      Device evaluation complete.
Checking disks for PhatNoise original DMS disk....
PhatNoise original DMS disk not found!

Moving to Wizard stage: 9
Stage name: Failed Verify DMS
User clicked on Next

Moving to Wizard stage: 4
Stage name: Backup DMS
Running auto-process for stage: 3...
Created argument string of: if=\\.\PhysicalDrive1 bs=512 count=2048 of="C:\Documents and Settings\John\My Documents\PhatHack Media Manager\DMS Backups\DMS Boot\DMS_Backup_05_Sep_2010_(02_53_45)\DMS_Backup_For_DeviceSerial_AC48BF19.bin"
DMS Boot bin backup name: C:\Documents and Settings\John\My Documents\PhatHack Media Manager\DMS Backups\DMS Boot\DMS_Backup_05_Sep_2010_(02_53_45)\DMS_Backup_For_DeviceSerial_AC48BF19.bin
Running DD for DMS Boot Bin backup...
...process executed cleanly.

Moving to Wizard stage: 5
Stage name: Applying Patch files
Running auto-process for stage: 4...
Connecting to DMS Manager......
...successfully initialised DMS manager!
DMS File Backup Dir: C:\Documents and Settings\John\My Documents\PhatHack Media Manager\DMS Backups\DMS Boot\DMS_Backup_05_Sep_2010_(02_53_45)

Performing Patch File Update....
PhatSys Drive: E:
Exec INI location: E:\exec.ini
Exec INI exists: True
Checking backup directory exists...

Patch File 1 of 19

   Destination: E:\aadec

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\aadec

Backing up original file: E:\aadec
Backup of original file complete.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\aadec
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 2 of 19

   Destination: E:\aadec.sig

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\aadec.sig

Backing up original file: E:\aadec.sig
Backup of original file complete.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\aadec.sig
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 3 of 19

   Destination: E:\patcher

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\patcher

Skipping backup as destination file does not exist.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\patcher
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 4 of 19

   Destination: E:\patcher.sig

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\patcher.sig

Skipping backup as destination file does not exist.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\patcher.sig
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 5 of 19

   Destination: E:\

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\

Backing up original file: E:\
Backup of original file complete.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 6 of 19

   Destination: E:\rc.sig

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\rc.sig

Backing up original file: E:\rc.sig
Backup of original file complete.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\rc.sig
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 7 of 19

   Destination: E:\bootload.log

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\bootload.log

Skipping backup as destination file does not exist.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\bootload.log
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 8 of 19

   Destination: E:\backup\phatpatch

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\backup\phatpatch

Skipping backup as destination file does not exist.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\backup\phatpatch
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 9 of 19

   Destination: E:\backup\phatpatchver.txt

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\backup\phatpatchver.txt

Skipping backup as destination file does not exist.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\backup\phatpatchver.txt
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 10 of 19

   Destination: E:\backup\

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\backup\

Skipping backup as destination file does not exist.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\backup\
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 11 of 19

   Destination: E:\backup\patchcomplete.mp3

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\backup\patchcomplete.mp3

Skipping backup as destination file does not exist.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\backup\patchcomplete.mp3
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 12 of 19

   Destination: E:\aadec-orig

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\aadec-orig

Skipping backup as destination file does not exist.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\aadec-orig
Applying of patch file complete.
Backing up original Exec.INI file...
Backup of original file complete.
Applying AAC hack...
INI update succeeded.
Creating hack entry in EXEC.INI...
INI update succeeded.

Patch File 13 of 19

   Destination: E:\aadec-orig.sig

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\aadec-orig.sig

Skipping backup as destination file does not exist.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\aadec-orig.sig
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 14 of 19

   Destination: E:\backup\

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\backup\

Skipping backup as destination file does not exist.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\backup\
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 15 of 19

   Destination: E:\PhatHack.mp3

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\PhatHack.mp3

Skipping backup as destination file does not exist.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\PhatHack.mp3
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 16 of 19

   Destination: E:\PhatHack.hack

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\PhatHack.hack

Skipping backup as destination file does not exist.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\PhatHack.hack
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 17 of 19

   Destination: H:\PhatHack.mp3

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\PhatHack.mp3

Skipping backup as destination file does not exist.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\PhatHack.mp3
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 18 of 19

   Destination: H:\HackIntro.mp3

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\HackIntro.mp3

Skipping backup as destination file does not exist.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\HackIntro.mp3
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 19 of 19

   Destination: H:\PhatHack.hack

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\PhatHack.hack

Skipping backup as destination file does not exist.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\PhatHack.hack
Applying of patch file complete.

Checking for hack log directory...
Log directory did not exist, created successfully.
Log directory exists, checking for log files...
... No patch.log exists.
... No patchverify.log exists.
... No patchwrite.log exists.
...log directory checking complete.

Creating Hack Playlist....

Hack Playlist created

Refreshing DMS contents....

Done.  Checking for hack playlist....

Inserting Hack Playlist as 1st playlist....


Re-generating PBX and SIG files....


Updating profile databases....

Backup Complete.

Updating profile disc count....


Updating Phatman.ini Modification Count....

Patch File Update completed without errors.

Moving to Wizard stage: 6
Stage name: DMS Patch Applied

Win32_Drive List

      Starting device evaluation:
      Determining device signature...
   Disk ID: 0
   Disk Name: WDC WD300BB-75DEA0
   PnP Device: IDE\DISKWDC_WD300BB-75DEA0______________________05.03E05\4457572D414D3144343437353032_039_0_0_0_0
   Disk Signature (not serial!): 41172BA5
   Drive Serial: WDC WD300BB-75DEA0 WD-WMAD14457209     

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      No logical disks available for device partitions.

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      Partition: Disk #0, Partition #1
      Drive: C:
      Serial #: 4C7904C9

      Device evaluation complete.
      Next device evaluation:
      Determining device signature...
   Disk ID: 1
   Disk Name: USB-HS FUJITSU MHT2040A USB Device
   Disk Signature (not serial!): AC48BF19
   Drive Serial: 2041CD02

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      Partition: Disk #1, Partition #0
      Drive: E:
      Serial #: 43C6EF9B

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      Partition: Disk #1, Partition #1
      Drive: H:
      Serial #: 43C6EF9C

      Device evaluation complete.

PhatHack Media Manager DMS Patcher

Date: 9/5/2010
Time: 15:02:58
LogDir: C:\Documents and Settings\John\My Documents\PhatHack Media Manager\Logs\
ToolsPath: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\

Starting up....

Loading Patch File List.

   File 1: %sys%\aadec
   File 2: %sys%\aadec.sig
   File 3: %sys%\patcher
   File 4: %sys%\patcher.sig
   File 5: %sys%\
   File 6: %sys%\rc.sig
   File 7: %sys%\bootload.log
   File 8: %sys%\backup\phatpatch
   File 9: %sys%\backup\phatpatchver.txt
   File 10: %sys%\backup\
   File 11: %sys%\backup\patchcomplete.mp3
   File 12: %sys%\aadec-orig
   File 13: %sys%\aadec-orig.sig
   File 14: %sys%\backup\
   File 15: %sys%\PhatHack.mp3
   File 16: %sys%\PhatHack.hack
   File 17: %data%\PhatHack.mp3
   File 18: %data%\HackIntro.mp3
   File 19: %data%\PhatHack.hack

Loaded 20 file(s).

Loading Wizard Configuration...

Stages configured: 10

   Loading Stage: 1

      Stage name: Wizard Welcome

   Stage 1 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 2

      Stage name: Verify Original DMS

   Stage 2 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 3

      Stage name: Original DMS Attached

   Stage 3 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 4

      Stage name: Backup DMS

   Stage 4 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 5

      Stage name: Applying Patch files

   Stage 5 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 6

      Stage name: DMS Patch Applied

   Stage 6 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 7

      Stage name: Verify Patch State

   Stage 7 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 8

      Stage name: Patched OK!

   Stage 8 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 9

      Stage name: Failed Verify DMS

   Stage 9 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 10

      Stage name: Patch Failed!

   Stage 10 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 11

      Stage name: Unknown Error Occured

   Stage 11 loaded.

Moving to Wizard stage: 1
Stage name: Wizard Welcome
User clicked on Next

Moving to Wizard stage: 2
Stage name: Verify Original DMS
Running auto-process for stage: 1...

Win32_Drive List

      Starting device evaluation:
      Determining device signature...
   Disk ID: 0
   Disk Name: WDC WD300BB-75DEA0
   PnP Device: IDE\DISKWDC_WD300BB-75DEA0______________________05.03E05\4457572D414D3144343437353032_039_0_0_0_0
   Disk Signature (not serial!): 41172BA5
   Drive Serial: WDC WD300BB-75DEA0 WD-WMAD14457209     

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      No logical disks available for device partitions.

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      Partition: Disk #0, Partition #1
      Drive: C:
      Serial #: 4C7904C9

      Device evaluation complete.
      Next device evaluation:
      Determining device signature...
   Disk ID: 1
   Disk Name: USB-HS FUJITSU MHT2040A USB Device
   Disk Signature (not serial!): AC48BF19
   Drive Serial: 2041CD02

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      Partition: Disk #1, Partition #0
      Drive: E:
      Serial #: 43C6EF9B

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      Partition: Disk #1, Partition #1
      Drive: H:
      Serial #: 43C6EF9C

      Device evaluation complete.

Moving to Wizard stage: 6
Stage name: DMS Patch Applied
User clicked on Next

Moving to Wizard stage: 7
Stage name: Verify Patch State
Running auto-process for stage: 6...
FAILED: Patch was not applied or failed to start, there is no patch.log

- WARNING: Patch did not write 'patchverify.log'.

- WARNING: Patch did not write 'patchwrite.log'.

Previous stage failed with error:

 Patch was not applied or failed to start, there is no patchverify.log

Offline VorTechS

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Re: Failed patch attempt
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2010, 06:33:48 am »
When the patch runs, you hear several audio tracks, telling you essentially the hack is about to run.
Did you hear those? 

If so, after the one saying the hack is about to run, you should hear a separate voice announcing the hack has run, and if you didn't hear that it's possible you have a hacked box already, although to confirm that you'll need to use the latest version tools that I've not yet finished.

However if you didn't hear the first set of announcements, then you may need to be sure you have switched your PhatBox to run in Playlist mode.
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

Catch me weekdays 8am-4pm GMT on IRC @ on channel #phathack (aka the chat link!!)

Offline jesus marion joseph

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Re: Failed patch attempt
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2010, 12:30:09 pm »
Thanks for gettign back to me promptly.

I did not hear tones or voices (other than the ones in my head ;)).  The radio seemed to be looking for the box but not finding it.  How do I set it to run in Playlist mode?

Offline VorTechS

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Re: Failed patch attempt
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2010, 12:36:49 pm »
Okay, so when you applied the patch, the box stopped working?

If so, you probably tried to do two things at once (apply the patch and a firmware update for example) and that is a combination that will never work (and impossible to test for).

Concentrate on getting the DMS working again (use the DMS tools to apply non-hacked firmware), and once you have the DMS working again, then apply the patch. 

If you don't know how to set the box to run in playlist mode (the default mode) then you probably don't need to know (until you've got things working nicely), and is also dependent on the head unit.
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

Catch me weekdays 8am-4pm GMT on IRC @ on channel #phathack (aka the chat link!!)

Offline jesus marion joseph

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Re: Failed patch attempt
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2010, 01:02:13 pm »
Okay, re-booted the box and applied the patch, but get this message when I put the DMS in the cradle and restarted PhatHack tools:

It would appear the patch failed on your PhatBox, please join the PhatHack Community forums [] and post the contents of the file PHTSYS/logfile.txt 

Patch 1 OK: Expected: 0000 1a00    Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 2 OK: Expected: 0000 1a00    Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 3 Failed: Expected: 0000 1a00    Actual: 0019 1a00
Patch 4 Failed: Expected: 0000 1a00    Actual: 000c 1a00
Patch 5 Failed: Expected: 0000 13a0    Actual: 0000 13e0
Patch 6 Failed: Expected: 0000 e350    Actual: 0001 e350
Patch 7 Failed: Expected: 0000 03a0    Actual: 0001 03a0
Patch 8 Failed: Expected: 0000 eb00    Actual: 02db eb00
Patch 9 Failed: Expected: 0000 eb00    Actual: 02f7 eb00
The hack had already been applied.

Offline jesus marion joseph

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Re: Failed patch attempt
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2010, 01:03:52 pm »
*** Edited, because it hurts my eyes and wasn't relevant ***
« Last Edit: September 06, 2010, 01:22:32 pm by VorTechS »

Offline VorTechS

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Re: Failed patch attempt
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2010, 01:16:54 pm »
Okay, I'm going to take a copy of those results because there's obviously a logic flaw somewhere there.

You're box is indeed not hacked, the 'Failure:' entries in the log indicate this.

Reboot the box a few more times to see if this log changes, if not, then I think you need to try the ramdisk.sig corruption approach.
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

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Offline jesus marion joseph

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Re: Failed patch attempt
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2010, 01:19:45 pm »
When you say "reboot the box", I assume I need to then re-insert the DMS and run the hack files again?

Offline VorTechS

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Re: Failed patch attempt
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2010, 01:21:48 pm »
Yes... :)
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

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Offline jesus marion joseph

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Re: Failed patch attempt
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2010, 01:25:53 pm »
Obviously I'm challenging your assertion that anyone with rudimentary computer skills can run the patch!! ;D

I'll report back after a few reboots.

Offline VorTechS

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Re: Failed patch attempt
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2010, 01:32:45 pm »
Ah, to the contrary you are successfully applying and running the patch - but it is not taking. :D

And one wouldn't expect everyone to understand the flow, or the reasons/causes for this (I myself am not fully versed in such reasons!)

Unfortunately these things happen, and sometimes it does take a few goes before it applies, and on the odd occasion the ramdisk.sig corruption techniques appears to solve the problem.  There are others with better knowledge of the actual patch than I, I just wrote the little bit that makes it easy to apply the relevant parts to the DMS.

Good luck, I'm sure we'll get you there one way or another :)
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

Catch me weekdays 8am-4pm GMT on IRC @ on channel #phathack (aka the chat link!!)

Offline jesus marion joseph

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Re: Failed patch attempt
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2010, 01:42:39 pm »
Okay, so here's the latest:

I re-booted and at first I got the opening announcement, but then the head unit would shut off.  The first couple of times this occurred I would get the opening announcement each time.  Then I re-booted and the head unit now does not recognize that the box is there.  So I put the DMS in the cradle, ran dmstools and got this message:

The wizard has confirmed the Patch succeeded!! 
Patch 1 OK: Expected: 0000 1a00    Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 2 OK: Expected: 0000 1a00    Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 3 OK: Expected: 0000 1a00    Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 4 OK: Expected: 0000 1a00    Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 5 OK: Expected: 0000 13a0    Actual: 0000 13a0
Patch 6 OK: Expected: 0000 e350    Actual: 0000 e350
Patch 7 OK: Expected: 0000 03a0    Actual: 0000 03a0
Patch 8 OK: Expected: 0000 eb00    Actual: 0000 eb00
Patch 9 OK: Expected: 0000 eb00    Actual: 0000 eb00
The hack had already been applied.

DMS files restored successfully.  You can now prepare a new DMS for use in your newly patched PhatBox/Keg.

I'll post the phtlog separately.

Offline jesus marion joseph

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Re: Failed patch attempt
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2010, 01:43:59 pm »
Hmmmm. computer now says it cannot read the logfile.

Offline VorTechS

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Re: Failed patch attempt
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2010, 01:58:30 pm »
It might delete the log file after successful confirmation....I don't recall if that's the case or not.
But the log file speaks the truth.

You now have a hacked box, congratulations! :D
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

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Offline jesus marion joseph

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Re: Failed patch attempt
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2010, 02:04:00 pm »
Guess I'm halfway home, then!  Do I need to reformat my DMS or somesuch?

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Re: Failed patch attempt
« Reply #15 on: September 06, 2010, 02:14:19 pm »
Nope, your DMS doesn't need to be touched.  Carry on using it if you so wish, or look at setting up the new one if you intend to replace the disk.
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

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Offline jesus marion joseph

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Re: Failed patch attempt
« Reply #16 on: September 06, 2010, 02:18:00 pm »
Okay, so I loaded my DMS on PMM, then did the save and eject and it's back to playing music again. 

Thanks for the help; much appreciated!

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Re: Failed patch attempt
« Reply #17 on: September 06, 2010, 02:21:06 pm »
You're welcome, it's good to see that really you didn't need my help in getting your box hacked! :D
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

Catch me weekdays 8am-4pm GMT on IRC @ on channel #phathack (aka the chat link!!)

Offline jesus marion joseph

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Re: Failed patch attempt
« Reply #18 on: September 06, 2010, 02:48:49 pm »
Everybody needs a hand to hold on to! :-*