I need to know what reserved area of the drive to try and access to read the serial number. I have two 10 gig DMS drives here so I'd be happy to nuke one of them trying to make it work. hehe.
So if we can find out what the protected region is addressed as in hex I can try and retreive data from the drive that way.
Perhaps if someone could debug a drive flash utility to see what commands it issues to the drive for reads or writes that would be a good place to start.
; Commands are:
; Rx = yy // put yy into register x
; REGS = yy1 yy2 yy3 yy4 yy5 yy6 yy7 // put everything to registers
; // hex values format: $xx, i.e. $FF
; WAITNBSY // wait-for-not-busy, i.e., wait for drive ready
; CHECKDRQ // check for DRQ, exit if no DRQ
; CHECKERR // check ERROR, exit if ERROR
; RESET // reset the drive (need WAITNBSY after)
; SECTORSTO = xx // Read sectors from drive's data register
; // to file xx (xx - filename)
; SECTORSFROM = xx // Write sectors to drive's data register
; // from file xx (xx - filename)