Author Topic: I think I might of f+!?;:ked up this KHD C 710  (Read 10453 times)

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Offline rhoxie1

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I think I might of f+!?;:ked up this KHD C 710
« on: March 10, 2013, 11:45:59 pm »
OK   I bought this 710 to put in pickup, bought it on eBay.  So I get it and I think I should be able to just unhook my 910 hook up that 710 and it should work right well it didn't do nothing had the original DMS installed the red light would come and green light would blink bright and then blink dim  and nothing didn't show up on my HU so I thought will let me stick  that hacked drive I have in the 710 so shut the car off stuck the hacked drive in turn on the car the light scams on and green light started to blink and it CD changer and then go to aux so is at and watched the lights blink well I got impatient and the pulled out the drive so I shut the car rehooked up my 910 stuck my drive back in turned the radio back on the HU  showed CD and then went to aux shut everything down and went and got the original DMS back in the 910 turned the radio back on and it showed HDD EXT and started playing, so I went and got the hacked drive and stuck in (read previous post) so after All was fixed I decided to mess with that 710 again unplugged the 910 plugged the 710 in turned on the radio nothing red light and bright and dim green light. So I think will let's start with the basic got the original 10gb DMS went to PH DMS tools and repaired the PHTSYS and installed the non hacked firmware and checked force reflash took it back out to the 710 stuck it in turned on the radio the red light came on and the green light blinking steady and the HU unit shows CD changer and downloading so I so I left turned the radio off and the green light was still blinking came back about 10 minutes later and the lights were both off I think cool it got to work, turn the radio back on and nothing the HU shows nothing, I have tried to the reflash again again nothing so how bad did I screw this up? Sorry it so long but wanted to answer most question


KD CX 993 HeadUnit

Offline VorTechS

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Re: I think I might of f+!?;:ked up this KHD C 710
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2013, 11:24:21 am »
You should never need to reflash the box, unless you don't know which version of firmware was on there in the first place.  Even then, it's been suggested that the system files on the DMS probably won't interfere with things so long as they are for the appropriate hardware.

Also, as long as you've used the DMS tools to deal with the DMS', and not tried to do anything else (like delete partitions and re-create them manually) everything should be in good working order.
Also, it's worth noting swapping cartridges/drives in out of a Keg can often get the head unit confused!  I have to say I've never tried swapping complete boxes - so who knows where it's at now!

That aside, I'd recommend doing the following with the 710 and the 10GB cartridge:

Remove the files 'forceupdate' and 'forcesettings' from PHTSYS.
Make sure you have at least one playlist on the DMS.
Plug the cartridge in, and see what happens (paying attention to the lights if nothing appears to be going on with the Head Unit)

If the head unit doesn't play ball:

Disconnect the Keg from the head unit (at the Keg end should be fine)
Perform a factory reset on the head unit
Re-connect the Keg

(There's normally a little hole for the reset button which you need to keep depressed for so many seconds.  Refer to the user manual for your headunit for guidance on this)

If after that, there's still nothing going on - we'll have to dig a bit deeper.
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

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