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Maybe missed the boat on this a bit :o

Just picked up a secondhand Phatbox and dms without cradle for my Audi S3 8L and I removed the hard drive from the cradle and plugged it in a caddy on my pc.

Great start I thought as the disk showed up in PMM with a losd of music but then quickly died and left me 'up the creek without a paddle'.I didn't even get chance to test the Phatbox.I did try a different pcb for the hard drive and it spins up but no data(I understand it is most likely a different firmware on pcb?).I couldn't find a pcb with exactly the same numbers.

I have no idea if my Phatbox has been hacked or not.I guess I need to find some kind person to hack my box ,if possible.I am based in Oxford,UK.

Hopefully someone can help with advice,etc.

Thanks in advance,



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