Hi all, with thanks to sbinger, this CGI script is now up and available for download here:
http://downloads.phathack.com/amb/The file name is myphat-1.0.tar.gz which is a tarball format bundle of the script, support files and a README file on how to install and use it. The same bundle is also available there in ZIP format: myphat-1.0.zip You need a computer running a web server (such as Apache) and Perl interpreter.
I also added my phatsort script (phatsort.sh-1.0.2.tar.gz) in tarball format to the same location for downloads. This is a shell script for Linux which re-sorts the DMS database and re-generates the index files to arrange the tracks in a more sensible manner when browsing on your radio in "album" mode.
Fron now on this will be the location for future updates of these scripts, and any other phatnoise-related software that I might whip-up.
Have fun.