Hi there guys, awesome forum you guys have got going and kudo's to all of your efforts to get this working. Hopefully I will be able to at some point make a usefull contribution to this site.
Some info before I start. I have a 2006 Mk 5 GTI on order with the Phatbox system as an optional extra that will be arriving in mid April. I have only ordered the 20GB version and have over 60Gb worth of music I want to copy to it to play in my car. I am going to purchase a 80/100GB western digital notebook drive to upgrade the cartridge in my Phatbox system.
I have a few questions after reading through some of the posts on the site, that hopefully someone will be able to answer for me.
Do I need a 2mb or 8mb notebook drive ?
5400rpm or 7200rpm ?
Jumpers or no jumpers, master/slave or cs ?
As far as the process goes tell me if I have this in order.
1. Plug in usb cradle and boot pc from v1.5 iso CD (This ISO btw contains no data if mounted with Daemon tools ?)
2. Boot into Linux system from CD and insert original cartridge.
3. Insert original cartridge into cradle and wait for green writing to stop.
4. ALT F2 to enter DMS Hack section.
4. Backup cartridge and confirm its working by hitting enter.
5. Copy patch/update scripts to cartridge by hitting enter again.
6. Remove cartridge and put it inot the Phatbox in the car.
7. Turn on the ignition and radio and wait for speech/no speech then go to playlist 2
---This is where being a VW I need to turn on/off the ignition and radio 10-20 times to make sure the process completes successfully
8. Remove the cartridge and go back inside.
9. Open the cartridge and replace the 20GB drive with the new 80/100GB unit.
10.Insert the cartridge into the cradle and wait for it to initialize.
11.The process of partitioning, formatting and backup takes place.
12.Turn off PC and boot into windows.
13.Copy music to cartridge and then hope for the best when returning to the car.
Being a VW is there anything else special/particular I need to do in order to make sure it will work or is the whole process a case of hit and miss/pray for the best ?
Im hoping it will work 1st time but honestly what are the chances ?
Once again thanks for a most informative site and I look forward to getting this thing working.