Author Topic: quick question before running the patch  (Read 9918 times)

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Offline sven

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quick question before running the patch
« on: March 28, 2006, 02:40:35 pm »
Ok, USB 2.0 cradle is in and the 160GB drive should be here tomorrow.  I've been going over the patch process just to make sure there is little chance for error on my part.  I had a couple of questions before performing the patch.  

1) should I use PMM and wipe the DMS clean prior to patching?  Does that improve the chance of success with the patch if there aren't any playlists or mp3's on the DMS?  Or should I just clean the DMS up and leave 2-3 playlists and a handful of mp3's?  

2) when putting the DMS into the Keg to run the patch, do I need to navigate to the playlist that runs the patch or just put the DMS into the Keg, start up the vehicle, and keep my hands off and let it do it's thing til I hear the message that the patch has ran?

3) after I run this process, then the Keg I have has actually been hacked?  Or is it just the DMS or is it both?  This is just for my own curiousity really.

Thanks for the advice,
Sven (nervous but anxious!)

Offline judb

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Re: quick question before running the patch
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2006, 04:58:21 pm »
The hack changes values in the FLASH memory of the phatbox.  the DMS is modified to run the code that changes the flash in the phatbox.  

the hack runs as a startup sound now so you don't have to change your playlists.

run the hack about 9 times back to back by starting the phatbox, letting a song start then shut it off after a few seconds of operation.  check to make sure that both lights on the phatbox have turned off before starting the next patch cycle.  this will make sure that the box really patches all the spots in flash.

you may have an issue where you have to corrupt the ramdisk.sig if the process hangs in the wrong spot before you can continue to complete the hack.

the number of playlists / songs / files on the original DMS during the hack is completly not relevant to the sucess of the hack or speed of the hack AFAIK.