I can't return it for replacement because the seller has no more in stock, it's an obsolete product. I can only get a refund, but I don't want that. I want Phatnoise in my car again!
It was working fine for a few months but now it has stopped working. The DMS Cradle and my car audio system no longer recognize it. The DMS Doctor program doesn't recognize it either. When I put it in the Cradle it just sits there quietly, no green "busy" light or anything, just the red light comes on when it's in the Cradle... so I know the Cradle is fine, right?
When I insert into the Phatbox, I get the constant red light and a quick flashing green light, and it just keeps at it like this forever. The HU says "NO CD" and then immediately defaults back to radio when I try to go into Phatbox mode (pushing the CD button).