Hi there,
Just about to replace my CD changer in my 2001 Audi S8 with a Phatnoise and wanted to ask a few questions if I may?
1. The Phatnoise website has many broken links and doesn't look like it has been kept up to date.
Is the hardware/software still supported by the manufacturer?
Are there any firmware updates available for the hardware itself?
2. Was there a 'bug' with US versions of Phatnoise into the Euro RNS-D NavPlus headunit in the Audi whereby there was @ 1 sec silence every 15 minutes or so?
Was there ever an 'official' fix that didn't entail soldering chips in the Phatnoise itself?
3. Is it best to use Media Manager or Music Manager? Which is the latest program?
4. As I use iTunes on a PC to store all my music at 192k .mp3 files is there a best way to populate the DMS cartridge without copying all the tracks over to the Phatnoise software and having duplicates of my mp3 files?
5. I am guessing the 20GB DMS cartridge is the unformatted capacity? What is the actual available space available for storing music files?
6. How/where do I obtain other voices for the prompts please?
7. Any hints/tips for a new user would be most welcome :)
Thanks & regards,
Hi Glyn,
I just purchased one of these units and I can at least answer ques.#'s 3 and 5.
#3: The latest seems to be Media Manager, and it seems like a much improved gui to the Music Mgr but since installing Media Mgr, when I start it up I keep getting a 30 day trial message wanting me to purchase something for it. ???
#5: The drive is broken into two partitions. For the music partition, based on cmd line Dir command, looks to be ~19,719,307,264 bytes / 1024 = 19.257136 GB. Windows Explorer reports 18.3GB free.
All I can answer so far.