Phatbox / Keg software and support => Phatnoise Media Manager => Topic started by: franck3d on July 19, 2007, 07:37:16 pm
Sorry if this has been asked before, but I was using the instructions from (
and when I went into regedit to add the DWORD key in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PhatNoise\PhatMan" called "MakeVoicePromptForTitle"
I noticed that I only had HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PhatNoise, Inc/PMM
I added the key there but it didn't seem to work.
has anyone else run across this?
I'm using media manager 3.92 and XP
That registry hack was only for the earlier Phatnoise Music Manager (still used my many of us as it's a bit quicker for basic playlist generation).
I believe Title generation is already available in the Phatnoise Media Manager interface.
I personally use the PhatVoice program instead for all audio prompt generation, but hoping one day that the new Phathack Media Manager will take care of all our needs in one place!
Thanks, I been looking into phatvoice too. I'll probably load that up and try it.