I have a Phatbox in my Audi that's several years old but the hard drive in the DMS is now basically dead. My phatbox player in my Audi will no longer recognize it. I put the DMS the cradle and it occasionally will be recognized (most often not, like maybe 1 out of every 20 times). I can sometimes access the music on it using Phatbox Media Player (or whatever that software is called). But, when I try to use DMS Hack tools, it won't access drive.
I'd like to rent someone's hacked DMS to update my Phatbox in my car (I can't recall if I did that several years ago, but I'm assuming I have not) and make a back-up of your drive using DMS tools so I can put a new hard drive in my dead DMS (I've got a new 80gig Samsung drive).
Since I'm not sure if I have hacked my Phatbox (I remember going through the procedure several years ago but not sure if my box took the hack or not) I would prefer to borrow your DMS. Or, I could send you my old DMS and my new hard drive and you could hack it for me.
Any help?? Thanks!