Author Topic: WTB: BMW Phatbox cable only  (Read 14416 times)

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Offline oxblood8

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WTB: BMW Phatbox cable only
« on: May 30, 2012, 01:48:52 am »
Hi All,

Recently I removed my Phatbox from my Audi A4 to install it in my BMW X5.  I have just purchased the Blitzsafe adapter I require however the existing cable from the Phatbox to the Blitzsafe adapter is the Audi cable, therefore it will not work.

So I am just wondered if some one has a spare BMW cable laying around or knows where I can purchase one from.  I see the above sticky that Blitzsafe can make up these cables but sounds like they not longer do this.

Blitzsafe have told me this is the cable I need.

I am in Australia so if someone had one I'd need it posted over here if thats not too much trouble.



Offline az1324

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Re: WTB: BMW Phatbox cable only
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2012, 09:09:23 am »
Yes I can get you one.  I will PM you with the details.