Let me start by saying thank you for the work you folks have done to set up this web site, and for the DMS hack.
I have a Kenwood Excelon keg, and a VW DMS that I purchased because the Excelon's DMS had a bad drive.
The combination of Kenwood Keg and the VW DMS works ok. At first, I just inserted the VW DMS into the Kenwood and it would play, but the title of CD voice announce did not work. Later, I used PMM to change the "personality" of the DMS to match the Kenwood Excelon keg, and had it load the latest firmware for that keg. After doing this, the title of CD voice annouce started working, and the music played perfectly for several weeks so I was happy.
I finally decided to attempt to repair and upgrade the broken Kenwood DMS by installing a Toshiba MK8026GAX-N 80gig drive in it. I downloaded and extracted the DMS boot floppy and went through the process of booting the floppy and swapping DMS cartridges as prescribed by phathack proceedure. I did not see anything obvious fail during the process.
I booted to Windows and used PMM to put one track on the new 80gig DMS. Everything seemed to go ok until I tried to sync and eject the DMS. PMM stopped at 90% and then stopped, reporting "Phatnoise music manager encountered some errors when trying to eject the DMS...If you are accesing files on the DMS with applications other than PMM close those programs and try to eject again".
Then I loaded the genuine VW DMS into the Keg to patch it. I eventually heard the "box unlocked" message.
I put the 80gig new DMS in and the phatbox would not play it. So I put my 20gig genuine DMS back several times and and I heard the "box unlocked message, and sometimes my songs would start to play, or stutter between my songs and the message.
I copied some files from a backup directory on the genuine DMS to replace other files on the DMS as prescribed in another post and the DMS started playing "corrupt track" and nothing else. So I used PMM to wipe and reload the genuine DMS and that DMS is now working again.
What else do I have to do to get the 80gig DMS working? I thought there might be bad sectors on the 80gig but the hack boot disk diagnostics read the whole drive with no problems. PMM is still not happy with the hacked DMS, reporting the same error message on eject, and I still can't play the hacked DMS in my keg.
P.S. The boot disk menu still says version 1.1 on the 1.5 download file. Is this ok?