This site seems to have been running on auto-pilot for some time now - the two listed admins, sbingner and judb, last visited in April and February, respectively. Emails sent to Sam haven't been answered (and didn't bounce, either). Of the other moderators, Paul was last here in 2008; SteveC in 2007; Cameron in 2007; para in 2007. Only VorTechS has been here in the last month.
There has been a massive increase in the amound of spam (I'd say I deleted at least 75 in the last week) with little or no "real" posts about Phatbox stuff.
I think this leaves me and VorTechS as the only 2 people who can moderate this board (and neither of us are admins, so we can't try to get anti-spam working). Also, we can't add other moderators as that takes an admin.
I'm going to use the PM function here to try to contact sbingner, judb, and VorTechS to see if there is any future for this forum. If things don't change by July 1st, I'm going to disable the email address I used on this board and no longer moderate (which is only banning spammers and deleting their posts at this point).
While I can appreciate comments any of the regular users might make, without an admin there's really nothing that can be done with this forum. As an example, I don't know where it is hosted, but Sam handles getting it restarted when it breaks. If he can't be reached, there will be no way to restart the board the next time it fails - it and all of its history will be gone for good, with only the memory of it left in the
Internet Archive.