Announcing the all new PhatHack DMS Tools for Windows!
The new DMS tools are now generally available!After a long wait and several successful Alpha and Beta tests of the new DMS tools, I have taken the decision to unleash the latest version of the new DMS tools for the general community.
The new tools are (excluding Hack Files, DMS Disk Signature Backup and Formatting Code) entirely sourced from my own code and the updated code will be available on SVN in due course. The tools are standalone application with an easy to use GUI and a little bit of documentation on the side. I'll offer general support myself for the application (bug fixing etc) for anyone that runs into problems with the tools.
Please PM/e-mail directly if you encounter any problems with these tools and I'll do my best to provide solutions where possible.
Check out the documentation for some work-arounds to some of the things that have, and may, crop up again.
Expect some aspects of these tools to be updated over time, I still have to finish the 'DMS Restore' functionality that you can see the toolbar icon for.
The DownloadsRequirementsCheck out the documentation for PC requirements. To be able to run the tools you must have the .NET Framework 2.0 installed, which is available from here: fixesVersion 2.12- Reverts to playlist style hack
- Added AAC plugin workaround
- Added Repair DMS(PHTSYS) function (formats and loads firmware to PHTSYS)
- Added Repair DMS(FULL) function (formats PHTSYS, PHTDTA and loads firmware)
- Fixed New DMS process (or repair DMS FULL) to create single playlist, plus SSA data files
- Fixed New DMS process so it is no longer creating hidden sectors on disk
Version 2.11Version 2.10- Added 'Install non-hacked firmware' option for use with original DMS/PhatBox combinations.
Version 2.9- Fixed firmware download issues.
- Fixed error when using 'Update firmware'.
Version 2.8- Added firmware selection to log (for replication purposes).
Version 2.7- Modified location of firmware definition file 'am.xml'.
- Fixed GUI not showing successful DMS creation/firmware update.
Version 2.6- Added automatic device ejection on successful patch application.
- Added 'Flash PhatBox with Firmware' option to enable firmware switching. (Experimental, may cause your PhatBox to stop working - recoverable)
- Added 'Update Firmware' button to perform firmware updates only. (Unproven, and may cause your PhatBox to stop working - recoverable)
- Added 'Install VIOT' option to install Kenwood SSA. (This installs and works fine, if your data files are good that is!)
- Fixed error when no firmware available for loading.
- Added backup URL for Firmware XML files.
Version 2.5- Fixed issues caused by WMI returning device entries with no signature information
Version 2.4- Fixed issues caused by WMI reporting invalid partition records
- Now generates CurrentSetup.xml. PhatNoise Media Manager may now work with your DMS!
- Fixed formatting issue for firmware details
ThanksMany thanks to all the testers who have perservered, re-running the tools where required and providing me with invaluable information!
Thanks also to ButchHandy for the basis of the documentation for the Windows Vista workarounds for the dd backup...!
Everyone that has provided feedback should be appropriately credit as per the screenshot above. If you are not shown, and you provided feedback, let me know and I'll put you on the list!

Let the bug reporting begin!
[Ignore this stuff here, just a bunch of tags for searching purposes]
Create New DMS, DMS Hack, Create DMS, Update, Firmware, Tools, Windows, Hack, PMM