Does anyone have more info on the signature process (especially the bit-scrambling methods)? I'm new to the forum, but I've been developing my own "Media Manager" for the Phatnoise (I've got the Audi version). If only I'd found this site a little earlier...
I'm writing my program in C# and releasing it under the BSD license. I see that PhatHackMM is written for .NET as well...perhaps you can make some use of my code when it's done! All I have left to do is the playlist signatures (my program reads playlists from iTunes and syncs whichever ones you select to the Phatnoise device).
Down the road, I would like to take this all a step further and write a User-Mode driver for Vista/Windows 7 that would recognize the device as a media device and allow integrated syncing through the OS (e.g. via Windows Media Player, etc.). Once I get my program working completely, I'm going to take the code and try to roll it into such a driver (which would also be available under the BSD license).