How should I proceed to revive my 20GB DMS PhatBox cartridge? The cartridge is not recognized by my PhatBox anymore. The PhatBox red light is on, but the green light continuously goes through the cycle of flashing for about ten seconds, off for about five seconds, and then flashing again. PhatNoise Music Manager does not recognize the cartridge either. PhatNoise Music Manager will not connect.
PhatNoise DMS Doctor Results
Detecting DMS FAIL: Did not detect DMS
Verifying DMS Filesystem is FAT2 FAIL: Filesystem is not FAT32
Checking for \Data Mount SUCCESS: \Data Mount Found
Checking for System Files FAIL:
Checking for Profile & Playlists SUCCESS: Profile & Play lists Found
In Windows Explorer:
I see the DMS PHTDTA drive and all files in the drive.
I see a second DMS drive, but its named “Local Drive”, not PHTSYS. When I click on “Local Drive” to try to see the files in the drive, I get an error statement stating “the disk is not formatted”.
My DMS cartridge issues may be the result of a dead car battery a few weeks ago.
I have PhatHack DMS Tools installed.