Author Topic: Direct drive connection  (Read 8747 times)

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Offline Slartibartfast

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Direct drive connection
« on: July 31, 2005, 09:12:45 pm »
Hello world, just wondering if anyone had ever tried connecting a drive directly to the PB using the cable inside that suspiciously fits onto the back of a 2.5" HDD. I have 2 Phatboxes and only one proper DMS. I also have a problem with space in my Audi RS4 as the CD changer gap is not deep enough with a DMS inserted ....
I thought there might be issues such as dealing with the DMS detect switch as well as the more worrying smoke and flames if the cable is completely wired up differently to std IDE!

Thanks ...

PS - Someone once told me that if you could get the smoke back into a blown up IC it would then work again as it's actually smoke that makes these things work, and they only stop working if you let the smoke out ....  ;)

Offline judb

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Re: Direct drive connection
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2005, 09:33:56 pm »
You'd have to bridge the connection in the last set of pins in the cable because they are wired to the DMS switch, and there by your box would always be on so to speak.  I don't advise it.  also having the DMS shock mounted in the case would be an issue to think about.

Offline sbingner

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Re: Direct drive connection
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2005, 10:10:50 am »
I've done it but it's not easy.  The pins you need to bridge are NOT the last two pins.  They are the pin normally blocked off as a 'key' pin in the MIDDLE of the cable and another pin on the end of the cable (one of the 4 added in the 44pin cable vs the 40pin cables)  If you want to do it, just trace the connections on the switch... it may also be in the IRC logs

I don't really think there's alot of use in doing that unless you want to add a second drive or a CD/DVD drive to the unit.  It (at least mine) does support two devices on the IDE channel.  It would be posible to permanently mount one drive and use another drive to sync or something but I really dont see how that would be of that much use.


Offline sbingner

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Re: Direct drive connection
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2005, 10:13:13 am »
oh yea, I thought it was smoke AND mirrors that made them work... just the mirrors don't work too well w/o all the smoke

Offline Slartibartfast

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Re: Direct drive connection
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2005, 01:23:16 pm »
Hmmm, thanks for the tips fellas, I'll have a play when/if work, family and general life allows such frivolous use of waking hours .....
The reason I wanted this was that I don't have a 2nd DMS cart to go with my 2nd PB, and there's a space issue in my car with the DMS inserted.

Ahh, mirrors are the key, are they? I'll get some smoke off an old burning tyre and smash up my bathroom cabinet and see if I can't make a NAND gate or two. Watch out Intel .... :)