I don't know what caused this, but as I was working with my DMS drive swap my cradle went totally dead, with no red or green light, or drive activity. I tried disconnecting all the cables and power, and then reconnecting everything, and I still had a dead cradle.
Even though the cradle was still under a Kenwood warranty, I didn't want to hassle with a service center, and it looked like I could open the cradle without making it look like it had been tampered with if my repair was not successful.
First, I checked the power adapter and it had a good 6.2 volts output. Then I opened the cradle and looked for a "pico" fuse. I found the fuse near the power connector. It is a round, black cylinder about the size of a resistor. I tested it and it was blown. I unsoldered the fuse and found a "2A 125V" marking on the underside.
Pico fuses are hard to find around here but I found a 2 amp circuit breaker in my parts box and connected to the circuit board with some solder and wires. I put everything back together and my DMS cradle is working again. When the warranty expires, I will drill a hole it the cradle so I can reset the breaker without having to open the cradle.
I have one more 2A circuit breaker so if you need one for your cradle let me know and I will sell it for a reasonable price.