Author Topic: Bought a new phatbox, cant get it working  (Read 8005 times)

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Offline danphines

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Bought a new phatbox, cant get it working
« on: January 06, 2010, 01:11:55 am »
Ok so i bought a phatbox for my audi a4 popped it in thre car and everything worked fine it had 18 gigs of music on it from the previous owner. i then deleted all of the music and formatted both of the drives on the phatnoise DMS(didnt know at the time this was a bad thing to do) and i have not been able to get the phatbox to do anything in the car. everything seems to work fine on the computer i am able to get music on it, both media manager and music manager both recognize it as the dms. i reinstalled the firmware and slapped in the dms and the phatbox will blink green slowly and for about 10 sec then it will flash green rapidly for about 2 seconds then the radio will go out of the cd changer mode and back into fm and the phatbox will repeat doing this. i left it alone for an hour and it was still doing it. any help would be greatly appreciated

Offline danphines

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Re: Bought a new phatbox, cant get it working
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2010, 01:19:04 am »
ran phathack dms tools and tried repair dms full and got this

Preparing format parameters....
PHTSYS Arguments: -v -n PHTSYS -F 32 E: 0
PHTDTA Arguments: -v -n PHTDTA -F 32 F: 0
Formatting PHTSYS....
completed: Failed!.
Formatting PHTDTA....
completed: Failed!.

The new DMS preparation has failed.

Offline danphines

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Re: Bought a new phatbox, cant get it working
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2010, 04:51:57 am »
i ran the phathack wizard and i keep getting an error during the patching process. here is the log.

Win32_Drive List

      Starting device evaluation:
      Determining device signature...
   Disk ID: 0
   Disk Name: WDC WD2500BEVS-22UST0
   PnP Device: IDE\DISKWDC_WD2500BEVS-22UST0___________________01.01A01\4&35D8BFF6&0&0.0.0
   Disk Unique ID (not serial!): E00C5762

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      No logical disks available for device partitions.

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      Partition: Disk #0, Partition #1
      Drive: C:
      Serial #: E8BE6D85

      Device evaluation complete.
      Next device evaluation:
      Determining device signature...
   Disk ID: 1
   Disk Name: USB-HS PhatNoise DMS 20 USB Device
   Disk Unique ID (not serial!): FF3C8AB6

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      Partition: Disk #1, Partition #0
      Drive: E:
      Serial #: 8217EBB3

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      Partition: Disk #1, Partition #1
      Drive: F:
      Serial #: D23E1585

      Device evaluation complete.

PhatHack Media Manager DMS Patcher

Date: 1/5/2010
Time: 22:23:30
LogDir: C:\Users\Danphines\Documents\PhatHack Media Manager\Logs\
ToolsPath: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\

Starting up....