Author Topic: Keg Circuitboard  (Read 9850 times)

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Offline FiftyPence

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Keg Circuitboard
« on: August 19, 2005, 09:49:52 pm »
I decided to dismantle my Keg today to see if any cables were disconnected which would explain why it has not been working but all appeared fine until i looked closer at the circuitboard and imparticular the area around the cable to headunit connection.

It was so hard to take a nice picture so i shall resort to simply explaining the situation in the hope that an electronics expert can advise whether this would effect the workings or whether i should simply wait until my new cable arrives and try that.

on the circuitboard next to the back of the connector to the headunit there is the code J7. to the immediate right of this there are two full stops which lead off to the right and into the headunit connector.  part way along these two lines below, there is a black burnt type spot which would indicate that the connection lines would no longer work but there is still metal there.  They just seem to be covered in a little black like they had burnt a little.

Could this be the cause for the Keg not working?

There are no obvious signs that the Keg to HU cable is faulty but i ordered one anyway, there cant be many other things to go wrong with the Keg.

J7  o------l /
l  o----    /
l          \/

The black occurs below the middle o above crossing both lines l and / above.

(Im available to produce text-based representations of circuitboards, just PM me :P)

Offline FiftyPence

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Re: Keg Circuitboard
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2005, 09:54:51 pm »

after closer inspection, it would appear that two of the lines in the circuit are totally busted.

If anyone could sell me a spare lower KEG/Phatbox circuitboard i would be most grateful.

Alternatively i guess i shall just have to buy another KEG or Phatbox and mod accordingly to get it running with my Kenwood HU.

Such a shame it has come to this  :'(

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Re: Keg Circuitboard
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2005, 10:47:30 pm »

Before you commit money to a replacement box, you probably want to spend a little time checking the cable.  After all, those PCB traces didn't burn out just on their own.  Most likely there is a short or some other problem either in the head unit, or the cable, or possibly in the Phatbox unit itself.  It's hard to say which, but I'd start by looking for damage to the cable.

Hope you fix it.


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Re: Keg Circuitboard
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2005, 01:24:04 am »
I would guess the two wires you are talking about are likley power wire and some other random wire.. maybe ground, who knows.  

Something shorted it out and fried your box.  You might be able to fix it but it depends on if you want to try your hand with a Digital Multi Meter and a soildering iron..

Offline FiftyPence

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Re: Keg Circuitboard
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2005, 06:41:55 am »
Im no micro-electrician so i ordered a new Phatbox which i shall adjust the firmware on to run as a Keg and if it is the same, i shall move the circuit out of the phatbox into the Keg as the Keg has a smaller footprint.

If anyone knows that the circuits are the same and are just in a different shell i would be most grateful.  Otherwise i shall confirm as soon as i receive my new Phatbox

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Re: Keg Circuitboard
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2005, 01:28:07 am »
BE REAL SURE you do not have a short in the cable or car wiring, or the new one will be destroyed as soon as you plug it in!

Offline FiftyPence

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Re: Keg Circuitboard
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2005, 01:43:22 pm »
First i will check the Keg with the new cable when it arrives and if that doesnt work which i suspect it wont because of the broken circuit I will use the phatbox

I guess i could even fix the old Keg by soldering some wire over the area where the circuit is missing.