Author Topic: GM Firmware  (Read 7746 times)

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Offline Computergod

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GM Firmware
« on: September 26, 2005, 08:34:39 pm »
My GM firmware is corrupt.  Does anyone have a backup of the firmware (or a backup of the boot partition) that I could download?

Thanks for any help.  Phatnoise has NOT been any help!

Offline dafamous12

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Re: GM Firmware
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2005, 12:48:10 am »
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I believe that is one thing that phatnoise keeps close to the vest. If it uses a media manger based on pmm you should be able to access firmware downloads by putting the dms into the cradle and open the media manger software that came with it and look for something called hardware options and you should be able to redownload the firmware from there. Also you need to have an active internet connection to access the firmware from the phatnoise site. Again this is all in theory because the gm models are a new generation of phatboxs. Maybe someone else knows a little more about them. Anyone????

Offline Computergod

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Re: GM Firmware
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2005, 01:18:27 am »
Been there, done that.  There is no download option for the GM 1.0 firmware.  I even searched their website stucture ( & to see if the files were there, but not being offered as downloads....nothing.  It worked fine until we had a really hot day, then nothing.  I ran the DMS Doctor and found the hard drive had lost some files.  It's still under warranty but I know the GM dealer doesn't know how to fix it, their rep said they would be sending my whole system back to Phatnoise!  I know, I should have backed up the boot portion of my Phatnoise drive...if I had known I wouldn't be able to get the firmware one month after I bought the car, I would have done it first thing!!!... :-/ Oh well...