I installed the phatnoise software (the latest one off the website) rather than install the the one (ver. 1.87) from the disk that came with the phatbox.I tried loading new songs on to my phatbox cartridge today and while I created a new playlist, put in the new songs (it was just a few), and had it "save and eject." While it was saving and preparing to eject, it somehow crashed, I got an error, and I pulled out the cartridge before the screen pops that says, "it is now safe to take out your cartridge." I seem to have lost all my playlists and songs off the cartridge and when I tried it in my car to see if it would pick anything up, it didn't reconize it. I later tried plugging it to my computer to see if I could make some new playlists and it wouldn't reconize it. I tried installing the old version software and tried on another computer and same thing, "no DMS cartridge found." I tried looking for a firmware update and found nothing. I have the 2.0 cradle and have a 20gb cartridge. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, Nick