Author Topic: m3u file splitting  (Read 10196 times)

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Offline Anton

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m3u file splitting
« on: April 08, 2007, 12:26:02 am »
From sixpak:
The .m3u files can now handle multiple tracks from one file. Just put a tab, start time (seconds), tab, end time (seconds) after the path to mark where it starts and ends in the file. -1 can be used to signify the end of the file. For non-audible files, the sections must be consecutive and run up to the end of the file. Here's an example:

  #First Track
  /dos/data/file.mp3   0   60
  #Second Track
  /dos/data/file.mp3   61   120
  #Third Track
  /dos/data/file.mp3   121   -1

THis is awesome, as I have some Non-Audible audio books that are a single file, and instead of splitting it into seperate files, and can just have it play as chapters.

I'm not sure if this info is accurate.  In looking at my Audible files, I see the Time stamp for each file overlaps. for Example:
0 - 60
60 - 120
120 - -1

Does anyone know if this needs to have a consecutive time stamp, or if I can just start and end the file anywhere?

PS-This would be a cool feature to have built into Phathack MM.  'Add Bookmark' during playback so you don't have to do the math.

Offline Anton

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Re: m3u file splitting
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2007, 01:38:29 pm »
Well,  I gave this a try, but the phatbox reports that my "playlist is corrupt, please rebuild playlist with PMM."  I used the second method above, having the timestamp overlap.  I guess I will try it the other way.  And check if there are other problems, such as starting at 0 or 1.
Any Ideas?
By the way, I am using Music Manager, I don't know if this would make any difference.