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PhatDB Released!

Started by davec, March 12, 2007, 10:03:41 AM

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Hi All,

I have finally released my implementation of phatdb, a program (and library) to build and sign mcd.db/mcd.sig files for ACDrive capable head units. It is Free Software released under the GPL and can be found here:

It uses the familiar GNU autotools build system and has been tested on Ubuntu linux. It should work fine on any linux system, and probably any linux-like system. The prereq's are libid3tag and openssl. It ought to cross-compile for windows fine with mingw, though you would first have to build libid3tag and openssl for that platform. If there is interest I could give it a go.

This version will build a database for all mp3 files found on a device. Note that it does not yet support non-mp3 files, and it does not yet generate voice-prompt files.

New features as discussed in the wiki and this forum will follow. Please let me know if you use this software, that will encourage me to continue development and add features.



I _WILL_ be using this software, but require only an interface to manage the DB/SIG files as I already have my own TTS library.
Although I'm on Windows, and not being a C++ programmer have no idea what to do with the sourceforge files.

If you can create a Win32 binary for me, I would very much appreciate it!

[BTW, awesome work!]
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

Catch me weekdays 8am-4pm GMT on IRC @ on channel #phathack (aka the chat link!!)


A win32 port is definitely possible, in fact I thought it would be easy, so I just tried it.
Alas, I was wrong :(

I use libcrypto (openssl) which is a PITA to cross-compile. I use it for MD5 calculation and RSA signing. I assume windows has a library to do that, so I might have to provide an alternative implementation.

I also use libiconv for charset conversion, it seems to cross-compile ok, so I'll just statically link it I guess.
Then theres little thinks like using mmap to read files... damn you windows for not being unix...

BTW. phatdb is a GPL library, which afaik you cannot link with non-gpl code.



OK, I have a working statically compiled version of the binary for win32 now. A dll of the library should be easy enough too. I've also discovered ways of determining the short-file-name for a given long file in both windows (GetShortPathName) and linux (using an ioctl to read directories instead of readdir). I should be ready to make a win32 release by the weekend.

VorTechS: What sort of binary do you want? a dll and header files? or a cmd-line program to call? What language is your software written in? phatdb is 'C' btw, not C++ (I'm not a fan of C++ :))



Ah in that case you'll hate me when I say I'm using VB.NET 2005 ;)

So I would appreciate a DLL that'll work with that please! :)
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

Catch me weekdays 8am-4pm GMT on IRC @ on channel #phathack (aka the chat link!!)


You just freed my Kenwood head unit from Windows!

Thank you so much,


I tried out the SIG generation today, using the PhatBox exec.ini.

I don't think this is working, as my Kenwood Keg no longer works :(
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

Catch me weekdays 8am-4pm GMT on IRC @ on channel #phathack (aka the chat link!!)


Hi all,

this is a bit dead, but i guess i'll post anyway. =)

I've been using phatdb for some time now, in conjunction with a small script i wrote to produce SOME TTS navigation voices. For now only the default phrases are supported and folder navigation (which is what i use most).

More details here:

I also take this chance to thank David. You saved me from a forced Windows install on my laptop and a LOT of reboots. =)
