Author Topic: phatbox problem audi tt  (Read 27955 times)

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phatbox problem audi tt
« on: March 20, 2007, 07:26:54 pm »
hello, first of all i'm sorry for my english!   ::)

i installed an 40 gig phatbox into my audi tt bought on ebay with an original vw cable.
so i changed the pins from the vw plug form to the audi plug form directly plugged in on the backside of the orig. audi concert radio. i also plugged the earth pin onto the radio chassis. so far...

after the first switching on the phatbox LEDs goes red and green blinking for about 5 min showing the update of the new firmware 7.2 into the box, following by shutting down the box - both LEDs switched off.
then i switched on the radio and the box started up. the red LED was still lighting but the green one just blinked shortly for each 4-5 secs...
if i wanted to switch to the cd changer/phatbox mode it showed me sometimes "no cd" in the radio display, most of all nothing. there was no way to change in the phatbox mode at all...
i also changed 2 pins (DATA IN & DATA OUT) after reading a post here in the forum, but at one try it also smelled smoked from the pcb!  :o  i quickly unplugged the cable from the box to minimize damages and opened it to have a look on the lower side, but nothing looked burnt. after that the box still worked (but i'm not completely sure).
the dms looks good. it stores music and plays it via the pc. also the dms doctor program shows no failures...
maybe you could give me an advice.   ???

thanks a lot!

Offline sbingner

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Re: phatbox problem audi tt
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2007, 10:08:13 pm »
smoke smell is VERY bad... you probably fried something somewhere.

You need to make sure BOTH ends of the cable match what is posted on the pinouts section of for your car...

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Re: phatbox problem audi tt
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2007, 01:41:01 pm »
i tested my box in an VW Passat W8 on his cable and it worked fine but just with his own dms inside.
then i opened my 40gig dms and saw that there is no original phatnoise disc inside!
so i thought it is a problem of the dms with a hack and bought another 20gig one from ebay which was described as oem!
full of hope i pushed in the new one and what should i's just the same shit: after updating the firmware usually it follow the short "NO CD" after pushing the headunit's cd button!  >:(
the next try was using the HACK & REPAIR DISC. the hack passed well, but there is no improvement at all...
so either the 2nd dms is also not working or there's an failure in my mini-iso plug on the headunit!?

i found that post:,246.0.html

is there anybody who could confirm the pinout for audi, especially pin 13 and 14 on the concert 1!?
because i have them withershins after checking the pinout section of my concert 1 and my VW connector:
pin 13 --> black (DATA IN) and pin 14 --> green (DATA OUT)...

it would be nice to test a working dms in my car on my HU but it's hard to find someone. the owner of the passat sold his car.

what should i do now?

Offline sbingner

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Re: phatbox problem audi tt
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2007, 10:34:02 pm »
The AUDI pinout posted in the pinouts area is from my audi cable.  I'm quite sure it's right

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Re: phatbox problem audi tt
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2007, 11:10:24 pm »
sounds good, so i'll change them in hope that nothing will smell smoked again...  :-[

Offline sbingner

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Re: phatbox problem audi tt
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2007, 01:06:31 am »
Actually... I apologize, there WAS a link to it and it was right but it's gone offline...  I can test the pinouts on my audi cable later for you is what I was referring to, but the audi info isn't there

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Re: phatbox problem audi tt
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2007, 01:09:24 pm »
yeehaw - it works!  :D

...after switching the pins a 2nd time to the pinout of your audi cable and using the hack on my 40gig dms!
at the first time pin-switching to right form didn't also lead to an working phatbox, because there must have been also an problem with my 40gig dms before hacking it now to an working one. so i couldn't point out this source of failure at that time!

Thanks a lot for your help and the whole homepage here!!!

Offline Rookie

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Re: phatbox problem audi tt
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2007, 08:15:13 pm »
oh no! after installation of the box in my car and no changing of cable pinout and software it's still not working again!
no of my dms play music! the firmware updates look good,but after that,there's still "cd1 track1" doesn't matter which version of firmware and how many "discs" are on the dms!still the same...
the phathack-cd also says that my original 20gig dms has "wrong labels..." and so i can't make the hack on mthe 40gig dms.
repairing/repartition/reformating of the org. dms does not help too!

so now i have 2 not working dms...
i have half a mind to waste the whole expensive stuff!!!  >:(

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Re: phatbox problem audi tt
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2007, 08:22:11 pm »
If this is a hacked PhatBox, have you replaced the Profile.INI with the backup made of the patch scripts?

Sounds to me like the Phatbox is only showing you the crack file, and not your original playlists... because the Profiles.INI hasn't been replaced.

If you ran the patch, you should have run the last script which puts your DMS back to as it was before you ran the scripts.

Hopefully, this is all your problem is now!
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

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Re: phatbox problem audi tt
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2007, 12:36:49 pm »
yes the 40gig dms is hacked and the 20gig dms is an original one!
i used the automatic hack via the REPAIR&HACK CD and so i didn't need to change any files like f.e. "profile.ini" by hand --> it worked normally (for one time)!
but now both dms play no sounds at all. it's not possible to hack the 40gig dms again, because the "first 1mb file" can't be backuped from the orig. 20gig dms...
chkdsk and dms doctor shows no failures!
i will try to log the bootload next...

any advices?  :-[

just testing the dms in the box again, i saw that the firmware updates finished done and switched off normally, but after switching on the ignition and my headunit the dms don't switching on now. no leds or sound of spinning at all! could it be that the dms switch inside the box get no contact, because i hear no sound of click now after pushing the dms in!?...
or must come the signal from the headunits cable for switching on the box!? so maybe one pin gets no contact?  ???
« Last Edit: May 07, 2007, 04:14:51 pm by Rookie »

Offline Rookie

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Re: phatbox problem audi tt
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2007, 03:30:21 pm »
here's my bootload.logs content:

BOOT0-2: Successful
BOOT9: Successful
BOOTB: Successful
BOOTF: Successful
BOOT*: Successful

but it still doesn't work!
it's a little bit strange. after connecting the box with the hu (firmware update was done before) it's swiching off - okay so far...
but if i want to start the box via starting my hu the box is making nothing, but strangely enough i can read CD1 TR1 in the display, also after pulling the dms out of the box!!!  :o
i also checked my hu with my old stock cd changer to point out maybe an missing cd signal for starting the box, but everthing is fine with it, it plays cds easily
so could somebody tell me, if the signals for switching on/off the phatbox is controlled by hardware (hu) or software (dms)!?
it would be easier for me to localize a hardware or software problem.

Offline sbingner

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Re: phatbox problem audi tt
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2007, 05:50:35 pm »
DMS are not hacked, phatboxes are hacked.   Has your phatbox been patched by an original dms?

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Re: phatbox problem audi tt
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2007, 07:40:55 pm »
yes of course, it was patched by an original dms and so it worked one time before installing the phatbox now fixed in my car!
there are no changes in cable pinouts or software things since it worked after the hack and that's my problem...

Offline sbingner

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Re: phatbox problem audi tt
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2007, 09:21:56 am »
I would reccomend disconnecting the phatbox from power, then putting in the DMS... if it powers up then shuts back down, the phatbox itself is probably working.  You can also replace your with a debug one from and then show us your logfile.txt -- if you SEE a logfile.txt after that and one didn't exist before your phatbox is booting.

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Re: phatbox problem audi tt
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2007, 04:10:48 pm »
okay, i downloaded the level10 files from the rc_pairs and copied them onto PHTSYS.
i plugged the dms into the box. both leds light up shortly and the box switched off...
no reaction by switching on the hu after that!

back in the cradle i found no file like "logfile.txt" on my dms.  :-[

Offline sbingner

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Re: phatbox problem audi tt
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2007, 06:21:23 pm »
If they light up shortly then turn off it sounds like it properly initialized, and it just isn't talking... you might want to double-check the pinouts of your cable, and the version of firmware you have loaded (needs to be the VW firmware)

Look around, I think I might remember somebody having to use an older firmware?  Not sure...

Offline Rookie

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Re: phatbox problem audi tt
« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2007, 08:44:08 pm »
the cable pinout seems to be okay! i also tried all the firmware versions on both's just the same - update completed, phatbox shuts down, and doesn't start up by ignition our headunit on...

i also corrupted the ramdisk-file! after pushing the dms into the box with a new firmware inside it shows a strange blink code:
it starts with red on and green blinks 3 times before blinking quickly probably showing the firmware update. after some minutes it's shuting down and the whole process starts again never ending!  ???
bootload.log shows no entries...

Offline sbingner

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Re: phatbox problem audi tt
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2007, 10:11:43 pm »
that's probably a 3-blink error code... followed by the flashing LED of death (really fast blinking green)

3 blinks generally indicates an IDE communication problem... you may have managed to unseat your IDE cable inside the phatbox.  Open it up and make sure everything's still making good contact.  check the connection of the DMS to while you're at it...

Offline Rookie

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Re: phatbox problem audi tt
« Reply #18 on: June 10, 2007, 09:31:47 am »
now i got a new blink code of the green one: 1 long - 12 short, then fast blinking until switching off and starting again the loop without really ending... anybody knows the meaning???
it doesn't matter if i'm using my original dms or my no oem one, still the same procedure.

by the way, is it normal that the case of the box near the transistor is really hot?

another thing i have is a problem with the HACK&REPAIR CD. if i want to make an "new dms" i just still get the message from my oem dms: "incorrect volume labels found"! i can repair the dms with the software and get an "okay" after that, but on the next try to make an new dms, it still break again!

Offline Rookie

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Re: phatbox problem audi tt
« Reply #19 on: May 25, 2008, 01:48:09 pm »
If they light up shortly then turn off it sounds like it properly initialized, and it just isn't talking... you might want to double-check the pinouts of your cable, and the version of firmware you have loaded (needs to be the VW firmware)

Look around, I think I might remember somebody having to use an older firmware?  Not sure...

with good weather conditions in germany now, i tried to activate my box again... :-\

i still checked the pinout, but didn't see some failures! i still have the problem that the box after reflashing shuts down in a normal way like it is supposed to, but does not powering up by switching the headunit on! both leds stay off! but in my "concert" i can change to CD and the display shows me "CD1 TR01"...

is it possible to emulate the power plugs ground/12V/12V ACC directly on the pb board to see if it powers up normal without an hu!? ???

by the way my oem cd changer works well! does he also need switched power or is he still solid connected to 12v?

@sbinger: "(needs to be the VW firmware)" are you sure??? i still used the audi firmwares like it worked for once...