Author Topic: is it possible to mod VW phatbox into 2008 Nissan?  (Read 10140 times)

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Offline mr_bungalow

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is it possible to mod VW phatbox into 2008 Nissan?
« on: November 19, 2007, 03:04:56 pm »
I read something about the satellite input being able to be used as the controller in the nissans.  I'm not sure if it's possible anymore or if the head unit will allow it.  Anyone know how I could check or what kind of a cable I need to buy/make?

Thanks in advance!  I loved the phatbox in my old VW.

Offline 16vpup

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Re: is it possible to mod VW phatbox into 2008 Nissan?
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2007, 03:35:47 am »
I have a 2005 Nissan Frontier Pickup and I would like to find out if anyone can make or knows how to make a cable for using the Phatbox from a VW in a Nissan. I have heard that an Infinity cable may be the same connections for use in a Nissan but can't find an Infinity one either. Can anyone offer any help? I also have 2 VW's in my household that already have Phatboxes in them as of Christmas 2007(1 of which I've had in my 2003 AE GTI for a year and prior to that in a 2003 Jetta Wagon). I love my phatbox and would love to find a way to get the 3rd unit I bought to interact w/ my Nissan factory head unit. I have not yet pulled my radio to check the back of it but I have checked the wiring schematics for my truck and I did not see the CD changer input stated in the diagraghm. Would love any help on this matter, I do already have an extra VW phatbox cable on it's way to me, but I need to locate the Nissan interacting end to plug into the radio so I can try to make it work. I work on VW's for a living so learning the disassembly of a Nissan after many years of VW work is just a matter of familiarizing myself w/ another vehicle type. If anyone has a cable for a direct fitment to a Nissan I'm sure me and the other listed fellow here would be interested in buying one or at least knowing how to copy one by having pin assignments listed for the Nissan side.