Author Topic: Phatnoise Music Manager  (Read 29416 times)

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Offline Nixlimited

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Phatnoise Music Manager
« on: December 01, 2007, 12:44:57 am »
Right, so I recently clean installed my computer and I have the original PMM 2.0 disc. Is there anywhere I can get the 2.30, or should I use the other manager that I have read about?


Offline VorTechS

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Re: Phatnoise Music Manager
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2007, 08:59:54 am »
Go to my alternative PhatNoise website:

You can get the non-activation version of PMM 2.30
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

Catch me weekdays 8am-4pm GMT on IRC @ on channel #phathack (aka the chat link!!)

Offline Nixlimited

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Re: Phatnoise Music Manager
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2007, 03:05:07 pm »
Go to my alternative PhatNoise website:

You can get the non-activation version of PMM 2.30

Many thanks ... and great work on the Hack tool.

Offline Nixlimited

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Re: Phatnoise Music Manager
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2007, 03:00:14 am »
Go to my alternative PhatNoise website:

You can get the non-activation version of PMM 2.30

I wasn't able to find that file, so I downloaded the media manager 3.92, but I can't seem to get my DMS to show up on that. Does it function in the same was as the music manger? If so, do you know what may be preventing the DMS from showing up? I was able to connect to the DMS via Music Manger 2.0 just fine.


Offline VorTechS

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Re: Phatnoise Music Manager
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2007, 08:53:37 am »
In terms of locating the DMS, yes it works the same - but it will perform an upgrade on your eixsting database structure.
Assuming the DMS is unchanged since the last time you had the software and it was working, check under Windows to ensure that the two partitions (drives) show up.

These are PHTSYS and PHTDTA.
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

Catch me weekdays 8am-4pm GMT on IRC @ on channel #phathack (aka the chat link!!)

Offline sgmsmg

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Re: Phatnoise Music Manager
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2007, 10:10:45 pm »
While researching other information I found that you made need to download the driver for your cradle after upgrading to different versions of Media manager:

Not sure if this is your problem or not. Good luck. This is my first post so I hope it is helpful.

Offline Nixlimited

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Re: Phatnoise Music Manager
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2007, 04:11:36 pm »
In terms of locating the DMS, yes it works the same - but it will perform an upgrade on your eixsting database structure.
Assuming the DMS is unchanged since the last time you had the software and it was working, check under Windows to ensure that the two partitions (drives) show up.

These are PHTSYS and PHTDTA.

For some reason I can't get the PHTDTA drive to show up anymore. Very annoying. It mounts on my Mac just fine.

Offline VorTechS

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Re: Phatnoise Music Manager
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2007, 04:17:20 pm »
Did you follow the instructions in the documentation from the PhatMac site?

I recall reading that you have to avoid certain prompts the Mac will give you - otherwise it might cause problems with the partitions?

Other than that I can only suggest using the hack tool to wipe the disk and re-create the partitions.
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

Catch me weekdays 8am-4pm GMT on IRC @ on channel #phathack (aka the chat link!!)

Offline Nixlimited

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Re: Phatnoise Music Manager
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2007, 11:32:42 pm »
I have never used PhatMac, but I use PMM through VMWare Fusion on my mac.

The drive still works fine in the car which makes me doubt if anything is wrong with the partitions. It has always taken a long time to mount the PHTDTA drive, but now it simply never does, but it does freeze windows up which makes me think it is trying to mount it.

Even more odd, nothing has changed since the last time I successfully synced and ejected.

Offline VorTechS

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Re: Phatnoise Music Manager
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2007, 08:49:36 am »
If the PHTSYS drive mounts okay (even through VMWare) it's not likely to be a driver issue, but could be a pointer to a problem with the filesystem.  Try a defrag/checkdisk and see if things improve.
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

Catch me weekdays 8am-4pm GMT on IRC @ on channel #phathack (aka the chat link!!)

Offline Nixlimited

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Re: Phatnoise Music Manager
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2007, 06:52:54 pm »
If the PHTSYS drive mounts okay (even through VMWare) it's not likely to be a driver issue, but could be a pointer to a problem with the filesystem.  Try a defrag/checkdisk and see if things improve.

On the virtual drive or on the phatbox drive?

Offline VorTechS

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Re: Phatnoise Music Manager
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2007, 07:27:46 pm »
I would try to eliminate VMWare from the equation, although it shouldn't matter - and I would do the check on both 'drives' PHTSYS and PHTDTA.
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

Catch me weekdays 8am-4pm GMT on IRC @ on channel #phathack (aka the chat link!!)

Offline Nixlimited

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Re: Phatnoise Music Manager
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2007, 12:16:33 am »
I only have a Mac so VMWare is a must. I tried chkdsk on all relevant drives and still I was having the same issue. I got a message: "unknown error occurred while accessing E:\CurrentSetup.xml"

Also, even when the PHTDTA finally mounts, I can't actually open any of the files on it. I think something may be messed up with the partition. When I plug in my other DMS drive (I have 2), it pops right up and Media Manager works fine.

Notably, it still works fine in the car.

I think this DMS may be doomed for windows use so I am gonna try PhatMac real quick and if doesn't work, I will reformat and start at the top.

Offline Nixlimited

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Re: Phatnoise Music Manager
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2007, 02:03:18 am »
Crap, now things have really gone to hell. Tried PhatMac, but for whatever reason even though the disk was empty it was showing like 25 GB of space not available. I reformatted the drive and tried to run the PhatHack 2.10 tool again, but it "failed creating DMS." Couldn't find the log file, but now I have no idea what to do.

Offline Terry_Kennedy

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Re: Phatnoise Music Manager
« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2007, 07:09:18 am »
Crap, now things have really gone to hell. Tried PhatMac, but for whatever reason even though the disk was empty it was showing like 25 GB of space not available. I reformatted the drive and tried to run the PhatHack 2.10 tool again, but it "failed creating DMS." Couldn't find the log file, but now I have no idea what to do.

Were are you located? Perhaps there's another forum member near you who could help (or at least re-initialize the DMS on their Windows system).

Offline VorTechS

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Re: Phatnoise Music Manager
« Reply #15 on: December 09, 2007, 01:25:51 pm »
The log file is located in My Documents\PhatHack Media Manager\Logs

Just attach whatever files you have there except startup_sequence.txt
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

Catch me weekdays 8am-4pm GMT on IRC @ on channel #phathack (aka the chat link!!)

Offline Nixlimited

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Re: Phatnoise Music Manager
« Reply #16 on: December 09, 2007, 04:58:20 pm »
Here is the relevant stuff from the DMS log:

Code: [Select]
PhatHack Media Manager DMS Creator


Date: 12/8/2007

Time: 19:16:04

LogDir: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\PhatHack Media Manager\Logs\

ToolsPath: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\

Retrieving WMI device snapshot...

Win32_Drive List


Starting device evaluation:

Determining device signature...


Disk ID: 0

Disk Name: VMware, VMware Virtual S SCSI Disk Device


Disk Unique ID (not serial!): C754C754

Partitions List


Partition: Disk #0, Partition #0

Drive: C:

Serial #: 880A6E70

Device evaluation complete.

Next device evaluation:

Determining device signature...


Disk ID: 1

Disk Name: USB-HS WDC WD800BEVE-00 USB Device


Disk Unique ID (not serial!): 365A882E

Partitions List


Partition: Disk #1, Partition #0

Drive: E:

Serial #: 39EF1AE4

Device evaluation complete.

Getting DMS Disk ID from snapshot...

Disk ID is ...1

Opening device through kernel....

....device opened successfully.

Checking for existing partitions...

...partitions found, wiping the disk layout...

Creating new DMS partitions...

....created successfully.

Starting WMI Cycle [waiting for WMI to mount partitions and assign drive letters]...

Checking mounted drives for disk...

[Cycle 1] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 2] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 3] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 4] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 5] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 6] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 7] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 8] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 9] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 10] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 11] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 12] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 13] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 14] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 15] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 16] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 17] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 18] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 19] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 20] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 21] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 22] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 23] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 24] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 25] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 26] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 27] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 28] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 29] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 30] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 31] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 32] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 33] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 34] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 35] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 36] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 37] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 38] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 39] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 40] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 41] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 42] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 43] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 44] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 45] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 46] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 47] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 48] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 49] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 50] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 51] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 52] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 53] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 54] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 55] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 56] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 57] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 58] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 59] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

[Cycle 60] Re-checking mounted drives for disk...

Re-checking WMI device list....

Completion time: 19:23:03

Offline VorTechS

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Re: Phatnoise Music Manager
« Reply #17 on: December 09, 2007, 05:20:10 pm »
It seems that although the disk accepted the partition request, WMI failed to recognise that two partitions were present within 60 iterations of checking + the starting 30 seconds delay ... which should have been more than enough time to locate the partitions successfully.

I'm assuming the machine that you are running this on performs adequately, and then when you used to mount the disks it didn't take too long to locate the partitions?

Gut feeling says the disk is about to go, and you might be better looking for a new disk.
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

Catch me weekdays 8am-4pm GMT on IRC @ on channel #phathack (aka the chat link!!)

Offline Nixlimited

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Re: Phatnoise Music Manager
« Reply #18 on: December 09, 2007, 08:55:00 pm »
It seems to be the same issue I was having with mounting it to sync music i.e. that it took forever to mount the second partition ( PHTDTA. What's odd is that it mounts immediately on my Mac (outside of VMWare).

The disc is brand new, though, so it would be surprising for it to go this quickly., but you may be rightt

Offline VorTechS

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Re: Phatnoise Music Manager
« Reply #19 on: December 10, 2007, 08:04:32 am »
I've tried the tools in VMWare with my 60GB DMS (one day I'll actually get to use it!) using a Kenwood cradle (USB 1.1) and although I get the same 'really long time to mount PHTDTA' issue, I have no problems running the partition/formatting.

At the point where the tools stop, you should have a disk with two partitions - neither of them formatted.
You could use 'Computer Management' within windows to do the formatting and see if your situation improves.

You could also try a low level format to just double check there are no other underlying issues with the disk.
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

Catch me weekdays 8am-4pm GMT on IRC @ on channel #phathack (aka the chat link!!)