I've been working with VorTechS on creating a new DMS with the PhatHack Tools (v 2.11) , but due to the myriad issues I've run into I thought a post was warranted. Keep in mind that I'm creating a new DMS to have on hand in addition to the original 20 GB DMS that came with my Phatbox, so I do have a working DMS. I've already hacked my phatbox using the PhatHack tools. That went quite smoothly. I'm running the x86 environment of Windows Vista on my main PC, and I have an older, much slower, PC running Windows XP. Initially I had a problem with Vista even recognizing the new drive (
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136130) as a USB device. I've installed a hotfix for Vista, and it cleared that problem up. I have noticed, however, that it still takes Vista much longer to recognize the drives on the DMS after I've created a new DMS with the PhatHack tools. For comparison, it takes XP about 30 seconds on my old computer to recognize the drives and it takes Vista about 20-30 minutes to do the same. Is that a function of the 111 GB FAT32 partition that houses the PHTDATA drive? If so, how do I address that?
The other main issue I've had is that, upon recognizing the newly created DMS, PMM 3.92 and PMM 1.87 both say that there is no headunit selected for the DMS. The headunit in my car is the VW Premium VI headunit, and I've created the new DMS with the VW 7.02 firmware, which is what is on my original DMS. I have looked at the CurrentSetup.xml (I think that's the correct file name, but I'm at work and can't check) from my original DMS and noticed that there is a field that specifically lists the headunit. I've added that to the CurrentSetup.xml file on the new DMS. Upon doing so, PMM 1.87 seems to recognize the DMS properly...for the most part. However, I have gotten "can't read CurrentSetup.xml" and "can't read WelcomeSoundFile.txt" at different times with PMM 3.92. That behavior is consistent regardless of the Windows version. Until I have a DMS that works properly with PMM 3.92 in Vista, this project won't be complete.
Any help you can provide for any of these issues is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.