Author Topic: HU not seeing all of the playlists.  (Read 7440 times)

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HU not seeing all of the playlists.
« on: November 13, 2008, 06:44:07 pm »
First off I want to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication in keeping the Phatnoise system alive. I had no plans to replace the shaker 1000 system in my 07 Mustang GT until I came across this forum.

I was able to hack my CX910 and replace the hard drive in my DMS with a 160gb Seagate drive. I only have one issue and I haven't been able to find the answer to. My KTV-915DVD head unit only displays 101 playlists out of 224. I'm using PMM 3.92.

Within PMM the playlists are showing up on the DMS and I can play all of the tracks. I did change disc_display_250=0 to =1 in the phatbox.ini. I thought I read somewhere that there was a limit on the number of songs that are supported, but I couldn't find the post again. I currently have around 16000 songs on the DMS.

Offline markbowen

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Re: HU not seeing all of the playlists.
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2008, 07:54:30 pm »
I think the settings you need to fiddle with are in the firmware options from within PMM.  With the DMS connected and PMM running, select tools-options, then DMS firmware/plugins.  From there, you have options for setting the playlist display mode and other correct settings for your particular head unit to get it working right.  (Sorry if this is vague, but I don't have everything installed right now to be more precise.)
Kenwood DNX7200/Kenwood KHD-C710 Keg/320GB DMS

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Re: HU not seeing all of the playlists.
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2008, 10:15:06 pm »
The firmware settings are to display up to 250 tracks, nothing to do with playlists. The headunit says no disc for playlists 101+ but I do have around 220 playlists on the DMS and can access and play music from them in PMM. Do you happen to have any other ideas Mark?


Offline markbowen

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Re: HU not seeing all of the playlists.
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2008, 12:33:20 am »
There are some playlist options in the firmware settings, such as setting how the playlists are displayed (by number, by name, etc.), but that may not be the problem anyway.  If it's showing the playlists but saying "no disc" I would try a few other things, starting with simply resetting the head unit.  You should have a little reset button somewhere on the panel.  (The first time I installed on my old Kenwood, it required a reset to work properly.)  If that doesn't get you going, try a disconnect and reconnect of the cable to the Keg.

I assume your Keg has the latest firmware (13.01)...?
Kenwood DNX7200/Kenwood KHD-C710 Keg/320GB DMS

Offline Passive

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Re: HU not seeing all of the playlists.
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2008, 05:05:03 pm »
Well for some reason it just started working. I was going to unplug the connection to the phatbox, but decided to check the list first and they were there. Odd. Thanks for your help.
