So, I run this patch first and then once the new hard drive is in the DMS case. I then start adding my music, correct.
I'm sure of this, but is there anything I should do to the NEW hard drive first? Like formatting it to FAT32, and wiping it clean, etc? The reason I'm asking is for anyone who reads this they will have this information.
Also, in the HOW TO, there is a section of the steps that I'm not sure that I'm needing to complete or not. Here it is:
You can also review the logs in PHTSYS\log for more information.
You must write the first 1 meg of the original DMS onto the new DMS. Use dd to write the file drive-sig-1mb.bin (created in PHTSYS\backup, but copy it to a local drive before using this as you have to swap DMS drives) to the new DMS once it is inserted. DD for windows users (
Also make a backup copy of your plugin directory for copying to the new DMS drive.
You can now make any drive a DMS drive. Partition it into two partitions, a PHTSYS of 64 megs and a PHTDTA of any size. PHTDTA must be an extended logical partition (partition number 5). I suggest waiting on this till you get a few more steps below and using the phatnoise DMS recovery CD / boot disk. This wiki entry does not cover the hardware portion of swaping the contents of the DMS.
Windows Users:
launch c:\windows\system32\diskmgmt.msc for windows 2K or XP
to see what physical drive number windows has assigned your DMS. Replace X below with that number.
dd if=c:\drive-sig-1mb.bin of=\\.\physicaldriveX bs=512 count=2048
Unix Users:
I shouldnt have to explain this but use dd to copy the file
dd if=/home/joeblow/drive-sig-1mb.bin of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=2048
I'm not sure if this is for informational pursposes only or what. Also could you go back and edit the steps needed and MARK THEM WITH: STEP 1), STEP 2), STEP 3), etc. So that each one the needs to be completed is clearly marked, and any additional is purely just additional.
I don't want to mess this up and having clear instruction, especially for us a little unsure on what we're doing will HELP out a lot.