I have a hacked 120G DMS, with about 75G in use for about 16000 tracks.
Whenever I use PMM to 'Sync' new tracks to the DMS, it tends stop refreshing itself while 'working' - taking about about 2-3 hours to complete the 'Sync'. While it's like this, process explorer shows it's doing about 32MB/s of reads and very little writes (under 32KB/s). It's also not reading/writing from the DMS (since the green light on the cradle isn't flashing). It's also consuming a whole core (I'm running XP MCE on a dual core).
This happens no matter how many tracks have been changed/added (1 or 5000).
After 2+ hours, it finishes whatever it's doing and then says "DMS has been sync'd" and then starts copying files. Tonight, there were about 1800 to copy.
When that's done, and I hit 'Save', it will pretty much do the same thing while generating voice prompts and updating playlists.
(I have only about 35 playlists... most are small except two containing 14500 tracks, once sorted by file path and once sorted by album)
I'm almost certain this is all I/O to the DB files under C:\Program Files\PhatNoise Media Manager\Data. The 'PMM.db' is about 40MB and the 'pnrdbrw.db' is about 49MB.
Does this happen to anyone else? Does PMM really suck this much? In the past, I've deleted the whole DB and re-imported all my tracks, but it didn't help. I never really noticed this problem until I got the larger drive.