Hello All,
I found this wonderful site trying to find out more info about phatnoise media manager.
I've been using phatnoise for a year or more on a media center computer after purchasing a kdc-mp632u headunit for my car. Typically just copying my songs to a usb flash drive the kenwood unit will use. I do like the voice indication when advancing through albums etc.
I have built a new pc (currently running win7 rc1) and will be transfering files from my old media center pc.
I am currently having issues finding my original install disc. (I haven't searched everywhere yet, just in the locations I thought I placed it)
My questions are this:
1. If I do find the original install disc it seems that I will have a problem during the install due to phatnoise not being around anymore. I believe there's a work around here.
2. If I don't find the install disc, can I use the phathack media manger to do what I need??
3. Are there any specific files/license information I should copy from my old pc to help me on my new pc??
Thanks in advance