Author Topic: Corrupt Track  (Read 12917 times)

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Offline Grover2000

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Corrupt Track
« on: January 26, 2013, 11:18:23 am »
Hi can anyone advise why I keep getting Corrupt Track on some tracks?

I have modified my DMS using Phathack DMS Tools.

I have also noticed that VOIT is greyed out so I cant check it and install it.

Any help on the matter is greatly appreciated


Offline VorTechS

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Re: Corrupt Track
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2013, 09:55:29 am »
Corrupt track refers to 3 possible things that I know of:

1. A missing/corrupt/unsupported format TTS Voice announcement
2. A missing/corrupt/unsupported track
3. An incorrectly generated offset within an IDX file (a file the phatbox uses to get tracks from in the various playback modes).

I'm finding a lot of people are asking about 44800khz generated files, which AFAIK the phatbox does not support, but 44100khz files are fine.

Given that you mention the DMS Tools, it's always recommended that once the hack has been run, you re-use your management software to re-generate these files (rename a playlist adding/removing a space then save).
This is because the DMS tools uses outdated code which contained flaws for generating the IDX files that can't easily be patched up.  PhatHackMM has moved on and should have this problem resolved, and will eventually contain the DMS Tools which will work better as a result of this.

VIOT is a Kenwood only plugin, so if your phatbox is not a Kenwood Keg (have Kenwood firmware selected) then you can't make use of this feature.

I have no idea if VIOT was available to all firmware, or if it's a Kenwood specific thing.  If it's potentially supportable by all firmware, then I could enable it regardless, but someone else will need to confirm this first!
« Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 10:02:04 am by VorTechS »
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

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