I'm by no means an expert, but one obvious problem you are having is that PMM is unable to connect to the Phatnoise website for some reason. PMM requires a connection to update the firmware, and even to run DMS Doctor.
So the obvious question is, are you running this while connected to the internet? If not, establish a connection and run the software again.
If you connect and PMM still can't contact to the server, check in your web browser if the phatnoise site (
www.phatnoise.com) is up. If the site works and the software still won't connect, I would uninstall and reinstall the PMM, and try again.
Once you sort that out, DMS Doctor may tell you what's wrong. I would think a reload of the firmware to the DMS should sort it out. (Delete the forceupdate and forcesettings files from phtsys after the update, since you don't need to update your phatbox.)