Well, I finally managed to get the VW phatbox working in my 2006 Mazda 3. Thanks DMSdriver for giving me a copy of the mazda firmware. The firmware must have been a bit old because it didnt work properly in my 2006 Mazda 3. Mazda switched from Sanyo to Clarion in the 2006 Mazda 3's.
I ended up calling up phatnoise and telling them the my OEM Mazda phatbox would not work in my 2006 Mazda 3. The nice support girl said "yes, there is a new firmware for this car, I will e-mail it to you".
Only a few things needed to get a VW phatbox working in a 2006 Mazda 3:
1) VW or Audi phatbox (kenwood keg would probably work too)
2) Mazda phatbox cable (avail from US mazda dealers, I got mine from
- The cable plugs directly into the back of the stock stereo, I will be putting the Phatbox in the glovebox. I will post some pictures this weekend of the Mazda cable and the install.
3) Mazda firmware (got this from dmsdriver)
4) Mazda firmware patch (got this from phatnoise).
It works just like the VW disk-up/disk-down stereos.
It ended up costing me about $280(CAN) to get the install working.
Wow, I am I ever glad I didnt pay Mazda $750(US) for a Mazda phatbox.