Author Topic: executables could not be found, help!  (Read 9908 times)

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Offline eddy123

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executables could not be found, help!
« on: May 11, 2006, 12:29:18 pm »
Although I believed I pass the upgrade from 10Gig to 80Gig, the DMS didn't work in my Kenwood Keg, with Audi HU. The genuine DMS works just fine.

As redoing the upgrade I might have missed a step to unlock my KEG for use of any non-genuine DMS. Because of this assumption I started al over but encounter now several error messages. I managed btw to unlock the Keg at an earlier stage.

It doesn't find the correct Volume label, using repair it comes OK but not always.
It cannot backup the DMS data, it comes with error that it failes to read after a long string of error messages.
Other messages: "MKDIR cannot be created" and "the PHTSYS executables could not be read from the DMS cartridge"

At this point I cannot write the flash code to the DMS and partition and format the new. However in a earlier attempt I did manage to do this but have Quick formatted both partions.

So what I have now:
1) A working 10Gig but finding errors when following the DMS upgrade.
2) A Non-working 80Gig but it has partitions as per upgrade but they are empty.

What to do? Should I just reformat both partitions on the 10Gig Genuine DMS and start from scratch?

Installing this 10Gig in the car everything works OK.

Another question I have: When it ask me to install the DMS in the Keg to unlock the unit and I install later the Audi patch does it loose this unlock position?


« Last Edit: May 11, 2006, 12:31:32 pm by eddy123 »

Offline markbowen

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Re: executables could not be found, help!
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2006, 02:37:07 pm »
It's not clear what you've done.

If you successfully applied the patch to the DMS and successfully ran it once on the Keg, then the Keg is patched and will stay patched no matter what else you do to it.

However, it now looks like your original DMS has some errors, hopefully not serious.  I would suggest running a full scandisk on both partitions of the original DMS.  If that is OK, then use the Phatnoise software to wipe and reformat the DMS.  Then boot up the hack CD and redo the entire procedure from the beginning.
Kenwood DNX7200/Kenwood KHD-C710 Keg/320GB DMS

Offline eddy123

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Re: executables could not be found, help!
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2006, 08:46:23 am »
Did the scan and restarted from scratch.  It's now OK thanks for the solution.
