Author Topic: PMM crashes adding music  (Read 10599 times)

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Offline judb

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PMM crashes adding music
« on: May 28, 2006, 03:29:26 pm »
I am having a strange problem with PMM 3.76 ...

I just reinstalled my OS a few weeks ago and have some new music I want to add to my phatbox so I installeed PMM on my box.

Now, when I load media into the PMM database so I can copy music to the DMS it gets a few hundred file into the process and PMM crashes without any real error displayed.  Quite odd really.  I went in and moved the folder it was having problems with and the next folder caused the same thing to happen.

Anyone else see a similar issue?

Offline bug

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Re: PMM crashes adding music
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2006, 07:27:33 pm »
First, google id3lib and put the compiled win32 binary into your PMM directory. Next, if you're still having problems, use something like Tag & Rename to rewrite the tags. PMM relies on id3lib for reading and writing tags, and it's somewhat finicky re: what tags it will accept. Make sure there are NO unicode characters in your tags.

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Re: PMM crashes adding music
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2006, 03:29:23 pm »
Okay perhaps I should have expounded a bit.  I just reinstalled windows a few days before my original post in this thread.  prior to the reinstall everything was working fine.

The music that it is crashing on is ALREADY on my dms.  I've had it for years.  I highly doubt that all of a sudden that music has a bad tag.

I use Tag and Rename to make sure all my tags are the same format on all my files, so I am pretty sure that its not the tag unless somehow the data in those tags for those songs have somehow become corrupt for PMM but not winamp / tag and rename.

thanks for the suggestion.  the id3lib didn't help.

Offline judb

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Re: PMM crashes adding music
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2006, 08:39:28 pm »
problem turned out to have to do with some mp3 files that I updated using tag and rename that embeded the album art into the id3 tag and pmm not liking the object in the tag.  I removed those from the files that had embeded images and now it adds music just fine.