Author Topic: KEG always on JMP1, what is the amps?  (Read 7456 times)

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Offline eddy123

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KEG always on JMP1, what is the amps?
« on: September 26, 2006, 02:41:16 pm »
As I loose connection with the HU all the time, I might solve this by keeping the KEG power on. I believe that booting the KEG when starting the car creates lock-ups with the HU. I therefore looked at Wiki and found this jumper JMP1 which set the box in a Power On position. Now if that solves my problem than I would say KEEP IT on. My only concern is draining of the car battery. I therefore like to know does anybody know how much amp this units consumes?

I tried to find this info on Wiki and the user manual but didn't find any specs.


Offline sbingner

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Re: KEG always on JMP1, what is the amps?
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2006, 08:34:09 pm »
The keg only ever really powers off when it loses power... it goes into a standby mode in which the main processor is shut down but the CPLD is still powered up and in contact with the head unit.   Messing with the jumper won't help you.

You might check your connections and wiring...

Offline eddy123

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Re: KEG always on JMP1, what is the amps?
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2006, 01:58:46 pm »
OK, You are right it didn't work out for me because I still have the problem. However it has not to do with cables or plugs, I'm 100%sure about that. It must have to do with the control software. Somehow the Keg is not responding after a certain time. This can either be after the Keg has been switched off or when it is powered on. Also when browsing thru the playlist sometimes the HU locks or it is the Keg.

This is a PCB rev A, not sure what is the difference.


Offline sbingner

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Re: KEG always on JMP1, what is the amps?
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2006, 06:44:39 am »
could be a problem with your hard drive... if it stops responding it will make the keg reboot itself

Offline eddy123

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Re: KEG always on JMP1, what is the amps?
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2006, 02:10:38 pm »
I don't believe it has to do with the harddrive which I at first suspected. I have upgraded the DMS to 80G using the patch. Similar issues occured on the 80G drive.

It must be something with the communication between the HU and the Keg. Before, I used the KEG with an Kenwood HU. The same problem occured after some weeks. I than installed the KEG in my Audi, patched the box and upgraded the DMS and bought the needed cables from ebay which are of a different kind than the original Kenwood cables.

As I said, during operation everything works properly. Problems starts when I start the car anytime in the day. Only very rarely when I push to many buttons to fast it will lock or controls cannot be used. I suspect there the issue.

When it is in lock state, I easily get it working by removing the Cable and placing it back. It feels to me like a buffer is flushed when I remove the cable. But it will not surprise me if it all has to do with the booting of the CPU. Well how to fix that?

I know for the Audi HU you can choose several settings, maybe I should play with that.

Any more ideas welcome.
