Hi all, ok i'm a newbie.
I have been running a Traxdata M-station (neo) for the past 2 years and recently because sick of the poor quality of MP3s.
I had a search around for the same sort of thing that could play WMA and OGG and eventually found the Phatbox/Music Keg.
After trawling through the internet I have managed to buy just the unit, I don't even know what car it is currently flashed to work with. If anyone can tell from looking, it was this one.
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=012&item=220038029353&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1I've managed to buy a 10Gb DMS cart so just need a cradle to start me off.
From what I can see, the phatbox is pretty much the same except it is flashed to work with certain car OEM stereos plus Kenwood and Sony. I assume that each flash installs the particular CDC (CD Changer) protocols.
So I was wondering if anyone had managed to crack these and add other CDC codes.
I have a Grundig OEM stereo and from what I can tell, probably runs the same CDC as the Blaupunkt stereos.
The other option is to see if Grundig made OEM stereos for any of the supported car makes and see if that works.
My absolute final option is a protocol changer that will change my Grundig CDC to a Sony CDC and see if a Sony flashed PB will work on that.
So many questions, so little knowledge so all appologies.