hello all, I'm new :)
I've hacked my 20Gb Disk for a 100GB. The hack seemed to go well and from Phatnoise Music Manager I can see the DMS, create discs and save them. I can also play music on my PC from the DMS.
The problem I have is that when I put it into the car it just does nothing. Let me clarify. I insert the DMS, from the HU I select my'CD' it sees a load of tracks but plays nothing.
If I swap back to the 20GB disc it works fine.
I have also re-hacked the 100GB drive but still no luck.
Any ideas for a newbie.
BTW, happy New Year 8-)
You say you've hacked the DMS cartridge - but have you applied the hack to your Phatbox? (this must be done using the original 20 gig DMS). Without the box being hacked, your new cartridge will not work.
Yes Lee I have & the 20GB works just fine.
I can run the 100GB disk in Music Manager, load & save discs / files and even play music on my PC from the DMS. When I load it into the car the lights flash for a few secondd the go out. when I go to the HU I have no music.
More news, day 2:
I've re-tried the hack and notice that I get the message "Software load failed!". I've seen other threads with this message but they also seem to contain Error 5 on the end, whereas mine has a !.
I can still load PM and it sees the DMS ok and allows me to save music to it.
QuoteMore news, day 2:
I've re-tried the hack and notice that I get the message "Software load failed!". I've seen other threads with this message but they also seem to contain Error 5 on the end, whereas mine has a !.
I can still load PM and it sees the DMS ok and allows me to save music to it.
It's likely that the script is unable to modify or update a file on your DMS.
I suggest strongly that you run a chkdsk /f on each of the DMS partitions (phtsys and phtdta) and then remove the backup directory from the phtsys partition. Reload the current firmware via PMM or from extracting the zip files found on phatbox.sixpak.org and then deleting the forceupdate file in phtsys. Then verify that the DMS works in your car. (you may get a corrupt track message right away, but thats okay. if it starts playing normally your are in good shape.)
Then you can retry the hack CD. Or go the manual route posted on the forums too. Search for Audi Manual Hack and look for a thread by Genisis.
Hi judb, thanks for the help. Here's what i've just done...
I assumed from you saying run chkdsk/f you mean from the hack CD rather than a windows type chkdsk?
Anyway I booted the hack CD, inserted the DMS and it says
Found "PHTSYS " and "PHTDATA ".
Press Enter to repair DMS.
so I did and it went off and did what would appear to be a disk check. At the end it said
Sarch for DMS: Found
Check partition table: OK
Repair partitions: Fixed
Reformat (if uncorecaoverable erros occur): Not Needed
Repair Done.
I deleted the backup directory (using windows explorer)
I repatched the frimware (which already saying 7.02)
I deleted the forceupdate in PHTSYS
dropped it into the car and it still plays no music. interestingly this time it turned the HU on/off about 6 times them turn it off period.
Quite alarmingly I cannot now start the HU even after removing the DMS. No lights, no audio, nothing.
Oh and I have done a Windows chkdsk and it says everything is fine.
I've just disconnected the Keg from the car. HU still off?
I was talking about the old DMS.. do that before you apply the hack CD stuff to it.
I don't think the hack is running properly. Also there are some logs that it creates on the old DMS that would be helpful to troubleshoot the issue.
I suspect you just need to search for the manual method and follow it step by step and it should work for you though.
ok. I'll give this a try tomorrow.
Now I'm confused.
My 20GB Disk now goes straight to the repair screen when I boot it from the hack CD. It does it's thing and says everything is ok.
what's going on. What am I doing wrong
Sorry I'm not normally such a dumb ass ::)
I am pleased to report that my HU is working again and the 20GB cartridge plays music.
if you can find me on irc at #phathack on irc.freenode.net I may be able to help, I can't handle trying to troubleshoot stuff on forums
Ok so i've got my 20gb to a point where i'm happy it's working.
I've been through the hack process all over again, everything seemed just fine. Insert the DMS into the car and same result, no music. It lists the playlist but no music and the timer fails to advance.
I've tried re-applying the firmware and it goes through it's cycle but the result is the same.
I've notice that bootload.txt on the DMS is empty. (it's fine on the 20GB) Unlike some other peoples problems the profile directory is full of p*.* files
I haven't tried the manual hack described by genesis yet. Should I? - Or tried using dd for windows
I should add that before re-applying the hack to the 100GB drive I deleted the partitions first to ensure it was all new.
Now I'm completely stumped. The DMS has been working just fine in the car with the original 20GB disk installed. Yesterday I added a single music CD to the disk in exactly the same way that i'd added the others. I also moved the welcome playlist to the end of the playlists (102 I think).
Today I get the message 'NO MAG' and no music.
Have I got a dodgy keg or DMS?
My DMS now continuously loops through the firmware update (fast blinking for 5 minutes then off). I've reset the keg, reformatted the disks, reapplied the patch, corrupted the sig file, deleted forceupdate. No matter what I try I can't get it to settle down.
Any ideas?
QuoteMy DMS now continuously loops through the firmware update (fast blinking for 5 minutes then off). I've reset the keg, reformatted the disks, reapplied the patch, corrupted the sig file, deleted forceupdate. No matter what I try I can't get it to settle down.
Any ideas?
Which DMS is this that is acting weird? the original DMS?
I would suggest formatting the DMS using the repair mode of the hack CD or the phatnoise repair CD.
Alternatly you could just delete the database files out of the phtdta root and delete the profiles directory and see if you can get one playlist setup to work before you reformat the DMS and have to wait for music to copy over.
Anito, you've got an Audi Phatbox as far as I can tell -- this thread is very confusing. There are issues related to the Audi/VW boxes and apparently particularly when trying to run the patch using the Audi/VW 20GB DMS.
Suggest you read through these threads:
Those might give you some ideas to try. You can also search "Audi" to find more threads.
judb & markbowen,
My problem is with the original 20GB disk, although the 100GB hack does exactly the same.
when I insert the DMS into the car it powers up and runs for about 5 minutes doing what appears to be the firmware patch. when its done it powers off then after about 3 seconds back on again and so the cycle goes.
I have tried the instructions provided by genesis, still no luck
I have reformatted the partitions using windows, no luck
I have repartitioned & reformatted the partitions using some tools provided by phatnoise, no luck
I have reset my keg, no luck
I have a zillion times wiped the disk and started again, no luck.
I'm completely at a loss, the DMS seems fine in the PC and I can listen to the music. As soon as I put it into the car all it wants to do I run the patch.
A reminder on some background:
Two weeks ago now all was working fine so I went for it and copied 101 albums to the DMS. I inserted it into the car and it worked fine. The next day I added one more CD and moved the welcome playlist to the end (102). I put the DMS back into the car and it started saying NO MAG. since that day i've not heard a peep from it.
The car has been to the dealer and he's checked wiring, HU and all that. The phatnoise has been tried in another Audi and it does the same thing.
I'm at a loss.
Does anyone here live or work in either the shropshire or wiltshire area? I'd be interested to see what another phatnoise does in my car?
I just went through my own tribulations patching my Kenwood keg, so don't count on me for much. But a couple of things:
If your original DMS stopped working only after you moved the welcome playlist to the end, common sense would suggest you move the welcome playlist back to the beginning and see what happens.
Never mind what the DMS does in the PC. You can take any disk and create two partitions called phtsys and phtdta and the Phatnoise software will think it's a DMS. Doesn't mean it will work in your car.
Most importantly, judb can probably confirm that there have been issues when trying to patch a box using a 20GB Audi/VW disk as the source. I don't know that it's been resolved. Search some more through the forums for "Audi" or "VW" and you will find more info.
I'm no longer trying to hack my 20GB, I'm just trying to get it working again. As for the the welcome playlist I tried moving it to the beginning and that was no good. I've re-formatted the drive several times (the process re-creates the welcome playlist) and still it doesn't work.
I'll keep searching for references to 20GB disks in Audi's
Oooh, just remembered something else. I have no log files or directories?
More info:
I've booted my laptop using partition magic and it reports and error with the DMS drive "Partition table error #108 found" If I ask for info on the drive it says the partition is BAD.
is this just beacuse Partition Magic doesn't understand the drive or is there really an error?
Can I recover from this?
QuoteOooh, just remembered something else. I have no log files or directories?
You wouldn't have a log directory unless the DMS is in the state as after running the hack CD. Problem is you've done so much with the original DMS by now it's hard for anyone to tell what state it's actually in.
What it sounds like to me is that your Phatbox was incompletely patched at some point. What's happening at startup is it's trying to complete the process and unable to do so for some reason. At least what you're describing is very similar to what I went through trying to patch my Keg. You have to finish the patch somehow, which does mean starting from scratch. But you need someone who has successfully patched an Audi box to be more precise, and I can't help you there. Hopefully someone will jump into this thread who knows more.
Re the Partition Magic problem - this is normal (at least on version 8). It does not like some aspect of the way that the DMS is partitioned and reports the partitions as Bad as you say. I certainly suggest that you do NOT use Partition Magic to attempt a fix, or you may really screw the DMS.
QuoteRe the Partition Magic problem - this is normal (at least on version 8). It does not like some aspect of the way that the DMS is partitioned and reports the partitions as Bad as you say. I certainly suggest that you do NOT use Partition Magic to attempt a fix, or you may really screw the DMS.
I thought so, cheers.
So i'm still no closer to a working DMS :-[
still not sure what your problem could be... unfortunately I'm in a remote location for the next week so I won't be around on IRC, but can you try to describe the blinking? make sure it's not a code followed by alot of fast blinking (the blinking led of death) if so, you could have your sig area corrupted on your original DMS, if you dont have a patched DMS you may need to get somebody with an unmodified DMS (read: booting original, it may have been used to apply patch) to help you.... if you corrupted the ramdisk.sig on a clean install by replacing it with linux.sig and it didn't work, the problem isn't related to the actual patch process
Is there anyone in the mainland UK that would be prepared to re-hack my original DMS for me? I'll be quite happy to pay for transportation and even some goodwill.
Hi Anito,
Well, I am in the UK (Cambridgeshire) - but work is keeping me elsewhere in Europe a fair bit at the moment. I may be able to help, but can't guarantee my availability. Where are you based?
QuoteHi Anito,
Well, I am in the UK (Cambridgeshire) - but work is keeping me elsewhere in Europe a fair bit at the moment. I may be able to help, but can't guarantee my availability. Where are you based?
cheers for the offer. I found a chap on ASN who I sent my DMS to last week.
Quite bizarrely he inserted my DMS into his car & it worked first time, no problems and with no effort. he then copied some other music and that too is fine. The DMS is now on it's way back to me to try again in my car.
I am totally puzzled by this.
Hi Anito it was me I saw your post both on here and ASN.
For your information:-
My box is hacked.
This is Anito's genuine 20 gig Audi DMS.
When I checked Anito's DMS there was no music present so I downloaded 2 CD's onto the DMS using PMM (FLAC I think) & then tried it in my car.
It played straight away in my car so if the genuine sig is corrupt it does not affect my box or the problem lies elsewhere.
So in my opinion it is either a problem with the Phatbox or a problem downloading to the DMS at Anito's end.
I have sent the DMS back untouched apart from the music I loaded.
Without doing anything to the DMS I inserted it into the car. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( and it still won't work in my car.
I inserted into the cradle and could see the music timps added for me. I re-downloaded and updated the firmware (which was showing correctly anyway) inserted into the car and still no use
It seems to me the problem is with the keg in the car not the DMS. Anyone know how to fix this? I'm getting close to sending it back to Phatnoise for repair.
Did you try using anyone elses original DMS to see if that would make it work?
Having just read this post from sbingner
Quote from sbingner "actually, once the hack is applied... you should be able to use any drive that's partitioned properly, with or without the signature. I've verified this on all my phatboxes and on a few other people's boxes with the newest patch applied. The hack CD still copis the signature just to be safe"
Then if my box is hacked with the newest patch (not sure which version of patch I used) is it possible the DMS sig is corrupt but it still works in my box.
If this is the case your box might not be hacked properly and the sig is now corrupt but this does not affect my box but does with yours.
And if your box is not hacked then an original DMS would be needed to re run the hack.
Did you ever get your replacement drive to work in the car?
If you could get your box to me I could try running the hack again for you using my original drive.
Someone more knowledgeable would have to advise if this would be worthwhile?
QuoteDid you try using anyone elses original DMS to see if that would make it work?
Timps has put my DMS in his car. I have not tried anyone else's DMS in my car.
Here's a thought and question.
It seems my original DMS is just fine. I also have a 100GB replacement ready for the day things start working. Is it worth me trying to hack this new drive in an attempt to force the keg back to normal life?
thoughts :-?
You would need an original uncorrupted drive to run the hack if the hack has not worked at all.
As for your DMS as my early post suggests it might have a corrupt signature but this does not affect my box.
You need to try a genuine DMS as judb suggests if it works then the box needs hacking if not then there is another problem.
If you are prepared to travel or send the box I will help as much as I can.
I have also now tried version 7.00, 6.00 and 5.00 of the firmware, none of which have applied correctly. The Keg continualy thinks it needs to process the firmware upgrade and will go no further.
Let me re-iterate this is my original, genuine 20GB DMS that was working.
even if I delete the forceupdate file it still tries to patch the keg.
This week it's going back in it's box to phatnoise and they can fix this.
QuoteIt seems my original DMS is just fine.
Hi Anito, are you sure it is OK? As was mentioned, your original DMS has been shown to work in a hacked box. That does not mean that the DMS is guaranteed to work in your un-hacked (or incompletely hacked) box. It simply means that the hard disk istelf is functional. Unless you have the original DMS proven to work in an unhacked box, then there is a possibility that the signature area on that DMS has been corrupted. If it has, then most probably this was done during one of your attempts to repartition or re-format (Windows based repartitioning and formatting do not always respect how other systems may have allocated disk space).
As Timps has said, the real test for the DMS would be to try your DMS in an unhacked box. If that works then your DMS is OK and there is a box problem. If that does not work then you need to use an original Phatnoise DMS with a valid signature in order to complete the patching of your box and to possible get it's firmware into the correct state.
Until the box is known to work with an original DMS and then the hack is applied to it, you will not be able to do anything with your 100 gig drive. You cannot apply the hack using your 100 gig drive since until the box is hacked it will not recognse the 100 gig drive as valid.
And in you last post...
Quoteeven if I delete the forceupdate file it still tries to patch the keg.
This seems really strange. I suspect that it is not patching, but is stuck in some kind of error loop.
still sounds like you have it patched up to the point it needs a corrupted ramdisk.sig but I think you said you tried that
Quotestill sounds like you have it patched up to the point it needs a corrupted ramdisk.sig but I think you said you tried that
I have yes. But before I put it in a box and ship it off I'll try one more time ::)
speaking of shipping, if you feel like paying shipping to me and back I'll fix it for you heh...
QuoteHaving just read this post from sbingner
If you could get your box to me I could try running the hack again for you using my original drive.
Someone more knowledgeable would have to advise if this would be worthwhile?
I wouldn't be surprised if that fixed it
Given that my DMS works elsewhere can't I just try the hack again myself?
HI Guys
Newbie here, but having the exactly same problem as Antonio with my new Audi PhatBox, loaded the latest firmware patch 7.02 I think on to the 20gb DMS unit and loaded into the car, connected the cd cable to the PhatBox, the unit just seems to loop continuously through the firmware patch update without ever loading up. Green light flashes slowly for 8 blinks and then flashes faster for about 5min - 8mins, then both lights go out for a second or 2, then both come on, the green light flashes 8 times and then faster for 5-8mins again,
Is there anyone out there who could lend their 20gb original DMS to fix the Phatbox firmware or can i send the unit to you to get patched correctly? PhatNoise have told me to send back to my retailer. but as it was purchased on ebay - i'm not holding out much hope from him.
Any help would be appreciated
AndyC :(
Hello All,
I have a Phatbox for my VW also. I have the exact same / similar problem. I hacked the original DMS and then put it into my Phatbox. It acted a little strange. It started playing the last song I had listened to before I took it out. I expected it to pause like it does when a firmware upgrade is being applied, but this was not the case. Then the box simply died. Stopped playing the song, no magazine detected, and the lights on the phatbox keep blinking. It is broken.
I next attempted to repair the DMS. I booted into the repair cd and it notified me that the partition table was corrupted? I checked the bootlog and I get this:
BOOT0: Successful
BOOT9: Successful
BOOTB: Successful
BOOTF: Successful
BOOT*-X: Failed
Any ideas would be great right about now. Thanks.
You need to corrupt your ramdisk.sig and try again. that should be the last time you have to boot it for the patch to finish. Theres lots of posts that have instructions on that.
You mean I need to run the hack cd again on the DMS and then boot the phatbox. So, its not broken?
unless you did something to your DMS since you ran the hack CD last time, no you don't need to re run the CD.
You need to corrupt your ramdisk.sig file and that should allow the system to boot up and run the patch the last time which will also alow you to use a new DMS. That is what I mean.
search range should be 365 days or more.. search for corrupt ramdisk.sig and see if you can find instructions. :)
Specifically, do this....
This then allows the patch process to resume.
Thanks for the pointers guys, but still no joy here. corupted the ramdrive.sig file and the unit still sat there flashing away for 8 mins or so and then restarted and did the same again. have now done all of the following .
reformated thephtsys and phtdata drives
reapplied firmware to phtsys
deleted the forceupdate file
corrupted the ramdrive.sig file
there must be something i can do to get this unit going ? anyone in Hampshire, UK who could lend me their dms to see if it the dms or the phatbox that is at fault ?
Any advise help would be appricated.. as i'm getting desperate now.
well it could be another file's .sig that needs corrupting. not really sure ... is this the original DMS that isn't working now?
Corrupting the ramdisk.sig seems to have fixed the original DMS. It started playing music again. I think the hack patch completed, but I'm not sure. Songs started playing on the phatbox, and then after a couple of minutes, I heard simultaneously the sound file saying the patch had completed. I think that part is finished?
The phatbox still doesn't recognize the new DMS I made yet, but I definitely feel a whole lot better about this process.
Yes it is the original DMS that has the problem..
I'm thinking would it be an idea to boot pc using the hack cd and the view the logs ? or can this be done from windows ?
the log files are just text format files you can open with notepad.
which files should i be looking at ?
Still having problems with getting the new DMS to boot. I can't seem to figure out where it is having a problem.
This is what I have done:
Ran hack boot cd on Orig. DMS.
Placed Orig. DMS in Phatbox. Seems a partial patch occurred?
Removed Orig. DMS from Phabox.
Corrupted ramdisk.sig.
Placed back in Phatbox.
Heard voice that Phatbox was unlocked.
Removed Original DMS.
Used Original DMS to generate new DMS.
Put new DMS in Phatbox.
Nothing happens. No lights. Nada. Head unit eventually displays no magazine.
Removed new DMS.
Ran DMS doctor on new DMS.
DMS doctor says MD5 checksum error for aadec.sig.
Researched problem and found this thread with this post:
Here, I wasn't exactly sure what was done to get the new DMS to work (seems the poster threw the kitchen sink at the DMS.)
But, what I have done is: update the new DMS firmware and rebuild the new DMS DBase. After updating the firmware, the new DMS passes all DMS Doctor tests (no MD5 checksum error.) The bootlog is empty on the new DMS. It is like the Phatbox doesn't even recognize the new DMS was placed into it.
The original DMS still is working. It will always play the "unlock" speech file at startup which I guess is fine? It works fine for playback.
This is a VW PB. My new DMS is using a Seagate 120gb momentus.
I'm pretty certain I did not do something or did not do something correctly. Should I just start over?
when you plug the DMS into the phatbox.. the NEW DMS.. you get no lights on the phatbox at all? when you use the old DMS you do get lights right?
I'd say you either have it jumpered wrong or you are not making good contact with the switch inside the phatbox so its not powering up because no DMS is inserted as far as it knows.
Okay I got lights now with the new DMS. First the red light, then immediately after the green light comes on. Both stay on for 30 seconds to a minute. Then they both go out and sequence repeats.
Still get no magazine on head unit. The bootload.log has a size of 4KB, but nothing ascii.
did you make sure the dms was jumpered correctly?
The old DMS works fine. It just always says my system has been unlocked when it starts up.
New DMS has no jumpers (which equals master) ; I believe it is jumpered correctly.
I did run a fsck on the drive from the linux hack boot disc. It complained that the partition table was corrupt. I think I may need to re-partition / re-create the new DMS???
I repartitioned and reformatted the new DMS and it still will not work. Could someone tell me if the patch actually ever completed? It looks like it did not. But, the patchverify.log says everything is verified.
PhatPatch v0.4 - original code by bushing, additional patches by sbingner
first 2 words of flash=c102 0025
writing auto-id command (AA, 55, 90)
Flash chip reports manufacturer id=0004, device id=22bf
Resetting flash.
Testing patch locations:
Patch 1 @ 0bb8: make drive signature check always succeed: [bne verify_sig_failed -> bne PC+1]
Expected: 0033 1a00 Actual: 0033 1a00
Match! Programming...
PhatPatch v0.4 - original code by bushing, additional patches by sbingner
first 2 words of flash=c102 0025
writing auto-id command (AA, 55, 90)
Flash chip reports manufacturer id=0004, device id=22bf
Resetting flash.
Testing patch locations:
Patch 1 @ 0bb8: make drive signature check always succeed: [bne verify_sig_failed -> bne PC+1]
Expected: 0033 1a00 Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 2 @ 0bec: make rc.sh signature check always succeed: [bne verify_sig_failed -> bne PC+1]
Expected: 0026 1a00 Actual: 0026 1a00
Match! Programming...
PhatPatch v0.4 - original code by bushing, additional patches by sbingner
<Then some null and garbage here>
first 2 words of flash=c102 0025
writing auto-id command (AA, 55, 90)
Flash chip reports manufacturer id=0004, device id=22bf
Resetting flash.
Testing patch locations:
Patch 1 @ 0bb8: make drive signature check always succeed: [bne verify_sig_failed -> bne PC+1]
Expected: 0033 1a00 Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 2 @ 0bec: make rc.sh signature check always succeed: [bne verify_sig_failed -> bne PC+1]
Expected: 0026 1a00 Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 3 @ 0c20: make phatd signature check always succeed: [bne verify_sig_failed -> bne PC+1]
Expected: 0019 1a00 Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 4 @ 0c54: make linux signature check always succeed: [bne verify_sig_failed -> bne PC+1]
Expected: 000c 1a00 Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 5 @ 0354: make ramdisk invalid signature return 0 instead of 0xFFFFFFFF: [movlne r0, 0xFFFFFFFF -> movlne r0, #0]
Expected: 0000 13e0 Actual: 0000 13a0
Patch 6 @ 0c80: make ramdisk signature check verify 0 instead of 1: [cmp r0, #1 -> cmp r0, #0]
Expected: 0001 e350 Actual: 0000 e350
Patch 7 @ 0358: make ramdisk valid signature return 0 instead of 1: [moveq r0, #1 -> moveq r0, #0]
Expected: 0001 03a0 Actual: 0001 03a0
Match! Programming...
End of patch.log:
2048+0 records in
2048+0 records out
hdparm - get/set hard disk parameters - version v3.9
<options omitted to save space in post>
PhatPatch v0.4 - original code by bushing, additional patches by sbingner
Patch 1 @ 0bb8: make drive signature check always succeed: [bne verify_sig_failed -> bne PC+1]
Expected: 0000 1a00 Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 2 @ 0bec: make rc.sh signature check always succeed: [bne verify_sig_failed -> bne PC+1]
Expected: 0000 1a00 Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 3 @ 0c20: make phatd signature check always succeed: [bne verify_sig_failed -> bne PC+1]
Expected: 0000 1a00 Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 4 @ 0c54: make linux signature check always succeed: [bne verify_sig_failed -> bne PC+1]
Expected: 0000 1a00 Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 5 @ 0354: make ramdisk invalid signature return 0 instead of 0xFFFFFFFF: [movlne r0, 0xFFFFFFFF -> movlne r0, #0]
Expected: 0000 13a0 Actual: 0000 13a0
Patch 6 @ 0c80: make ramdisk signature check verify 0 instead of 1: [cmp r0, #1 -> cmp r0, #0]
Expected: 0000 e350 Actual: 0000 e350
Patch 7 @ 0358: make ramdisk valid signature return 0 instead of 1: [moveq r0, #1 -> moveq r0, #0]
Expected: 0000 03a0 Actual: 0000 03a0
: No such file or directory
: No such file or directory
/dos/backup/patch.sh: kup/p: No such file or directory
Following printed twice in patchverify.log
Starting Patch Process
PhatPatch v0.4 - original code by bushing, additional patches by sbingner
Patch 1 @ 0bb8: make drive signature check always succeed: [bne verify_sig_failed -> bne PC+1]
Expected: 0000 1a00 Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 2 @ 0bec: make rc.sh signature check always succeed: [bne verify_sig_failed -> bne PC+1]
Expected: 0000 1a00 Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 3 @ 0c20: make phatd signature check always succeed: [bne verify_sig_failed -> bne PC+1]
Expected: 0000 1a00 Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 4 @ 0c54: make linux signature check always succeed: [bne verify_sig_failed -> bne PC+1]
Expected: 0000 1a00 Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 5 @ 0354: make ramdisk invalid signature return 0 instead of 0xFFFFFFFF: [movlne r0, 0xFFFFFFFF -> movlne r0, #0]
Expected: 0000 13a0 Actual: 0000 13a0
Patch 6 @ 0c80: make ramdisk signature check verify 0 instead of 1: [cmp r0, #1 -> cmp r0, #0]
Expected: 0000 e350 Actual: 0000 e350
Patch 7 @ 0358: make ramdisk valid signature return 0 instead of 1: [moveq r0, #1 -> moveq r0, #0]
Expected: 0000 03a0 Actual: 0000 03a0
according to this your box is patched just fine.
Does the new dms have a bootload.log file on it? Does anything get written to it? sorry if I've already asked these questions.. this thread is getting rather long.
Okay, so it is patched. The old DMS always says your system has been unlocked when I put it in the Phatbox. I thought maybe because it is doing this (constantly running the patch) and some of the mismatch messages in the patchwrite.log could mean the box was not patched.
The new dms does have a bootload.log file, but at first it was empty. Then I ran a fsck on the new DMS and it found errors and I had to recreate it from the boot cd. Then, the new DMS had nulls in the bootload.log. I cleared out the nulls and tried again. Now it is just empty. I am starting to think the new DMS hd is bad in some way. It works fine in the cradle or in a 2.5 inch enclosure, but it just doesn't seem to work in the Phatbox.
I still get lights with the new DMS. First the red light, then immediately after the green light comes on. Both stay on for 30 seconds to a minute. Then they both go out and sequence repeats.
Maybe I'll try returning the drive for a new one.
There has to be data in the bootload.log (at least a few Kilobytes in size) in order for it to be written to.
Make a copy of the phatbox.ini as bootload.log again and try booting the drive. That should put some info into the bootload.log.
Also make sure you are letting the lights turn off the phatbox before pulling out a drive as that can cause filesystem errors.
Finally success !!!
I had to use the manual method to write the signature to the hard disk. But, that fixed the issue.